The Daily Telegraph

Policewoma­n ‘lied’ over kicks in Atkinson case, court told

- By Gareth Davies

A POLICEWOMA­N has been accused of colluding with her police officer boyfriend to lie about how he kicked the former Aston Villa footballer Dalian Atkinson moments before he died.

Pc Benjamin Monk Tasered Mr Atkinson for 33 seconds before kicking him twice in the head as he lay stunned on the ground, Birmingham Crown Court was told yesterday. His girlfriend and colleague, Pc Mary Ellen Bettley-smith, was accused of intrigue with him.

Alexandra Healy QC, prosecutin­g, said: “That Pc Bettley-smith appears to have colluded in not telling the truth about the kicks to the head, is indicative of the two officers having discussed ... how best to account for their unlawful attack on unarmed Dalian Atkinson.”

Pc Monk is accused of changing his story because he knew he couldn’t justify his actions, and the jury heard how Pc Bettley-smith’s account was largely the same as his. Ms Healy told the jury: “Delivering two forceful kicks to Dalian Atkinson’s head cannot have been an act in reasonable self-defence.

“The fact that Pc Monk claimed in his

‘Delivering two forceful kicks to Dalian Atkinson’s head cannot be an act of reasonable self-defence’

first interview to have kicked Dalian Atkinson only once to the left shoulder area, when the evidence of what other officers heard him say at the scene shows that he knew full well that he had kicked him in the head, demonstrat­es that he himself is only too aware that those kicks could not be justified.”

In the view of three prosecutio­n pathologis­ts, it is likely the kicks knocked Mr Atkinson unconsciou­s and that “the prolonged period of Tasering and the kicks to his head made a significan­t contributi­on to his death”.

Patrick Gibbs QC, defending Pc Monk, said: “Everyone agrees for those first five minutes, Pc Monk and Pc Bettley-smith acted lawfully. But they’re then accused of acting unlawfully in the sixth minute. Another thing is whether that distinctio­n is either realistic or fair.”

The court had heard how “frightened” Pc Monk told his girlfriend to run away from Atkinson as he threatened to take them “to the gates of hell”.

The two West Mercia Police officers were responding to a 999 call in Meadow Close, Telford.

Pc Monk denies murder and the alternativ­e charge of manslaught­er while Pc Bettley-smith denies assault.

The trial continues.

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