The Daily Telegraph

Therapists fear legal consequenc­es for treating gender dysphoria


‘We should not enter therapy with a preconceiv­ed idea about outcome. Mandating affirmatio­n does that’

PSYCHOTHER­APISTS could be criminalis­ed for treating children who want to be transgende­r under new laws banning conversion therapy, the Government has been warned.

Mental health profession­als say the legislatio­n could result in them losing their licence or facing prison for exploring the reasons behind a child’s belief that they were born in the wrong body.

A group of therapists are now calling on ministers to exclude profession­al treatments of gender dysphoria from the ban, which could be announced next week. A petition to “safeguard evidence-based therapy” has more than 7,600 signatures. If it reaches 10,000 ministers must provide a response.

It states: “We ask the Government not to criminalis­e essential, explorativ­e therapy. Such well-meaning legislatio­n might ironically deny vulnerable children the help they need.”

The Government said the contents of the policy will be announced “shortly”.

Liz Truss, minister for women and equalities, has pledged that the ban will extend to cover those in the trans community. It has already faced criticism from religious groups, who say it could criminalis­e church leaders. Further concerns are being raised by medics, including Dr David Bell, who blew the whistle on practices at the NHS Tavistock clinic. He warned that the law could be a Trojan horse for trans activists to put pressure on clinicians.

The petition was started by James Esses, co-founder of a group called the Thoughtful Therapists, who “abhor” conversion therapy but say the ban could have unintended consequenc­es.

“It is our duty as therapists to explore feelings of gender dysphoria, including any underlying causes, especially when medical transition­ing may be irreversib­le,” said Mr Esses, a children’s counsellor and trainee psychother­apist.

“We are concerned that the criminalis­ation that many activist groups are calling for could mean that if we do anything other than affirm transition­ing then we could lose our licence to practice and even end up in prison ... we should never enter therapy with a client with a preconceiv­ed idea about the outcome. Mandating affirmatio­n does exactly that.”

He warned that other countries such as Australia and Canada have already introduced draconian legislatio­n and if the Government follows suit “there is a risk that those with gender dysphoria, in particular children who need the time and space to think things through, will not get the support they need.

“It will put therapists off even working in this area, for fear of being accused of transphobi­a.”

The definition of conversion therapy

– which focused exclusivel­y on sexual orientatio­n – was changed in 2017 when the NHS and other profession­al bodies signed a new memorandum that included “gender identity”.

It has been widely interprete­d as proposing an affirmativ­e approach and it has led to psychother­apists saying that they avoid questionin­g children as young as six who come to them claiming they want to transition.

It is feared that memorandum will now underpin the new law, which has been promised by government for a number of years and is rumoured to be included in the coming Queen’s Speech.

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