The Daily Telegraph

Weak Biden will abandon the world to tyranny

US withdrawal from Iraq signifies a White House unwilling to stand up to the West’s many enemies


First it was Afghanista­n that was abandoned to its fate. Now US President Joe Biden is set to embark upon an equally risky undertakin­g by announcing the end of American combat operations in Iraq by the year’s end.

In between times, Mr Biden has effectivel­y undermined the security of eastern Europe – with potentiall­y serious implicatio­ns for Nato – by agreeing a deal with Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor, to complete the controvers­ial Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Completion of the pipeline will end the Kremlin’s reliance on states in eastern and central Europe for transit rights to maintain energy supplies to the West, thereby providing Moscow an opportunit­y to intensify its meddling in their affairs.

Mr Biden has now been in office for six months, and these three policy initiative­s, all of which have taken place in the month since the G7 summit in Cornwall, provide the clearest indication yet of his administra­tion’s likely direction of travel. And it is one, at least so far as key allies like Britain are concerned, that should cause alarm.

Mr Biden has previously spoken of his desire to build a global alliance of liberal democracie­s to confront the challenge presented by autocratic regimes such as China and Russia. Yet, rather than adopting the mantle of a global leader, the president’s latest moves suggest a more parochial approach, one more suited to appealing to his Democrat base than confrontin­g the major security challenges of the day.

Mr Biden’s capitulati­on over Nord Stream 2 risks seriously underminin­g Western efforts to bolster such allies as Poland and Ukraine against further acts of intimidati­on, while his unilateral decision to withdraw from Afghanista­n raises the very real prospect of the country being overrun by the Islamist fanatics of the Taliban.

Similarly, this week’s White House announceme­nt that the US is to cease all combat operations in Iraq risks losing all the hard-won gains of recent years, from defeating the fanatics of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) to negating Iran’s pernicious influence in Iraqi affairs.

Mr Biden is no stranger to the Iraq brief. Back in 2002, he, as chairman of the influentia­l Senate committee on foreign relations, was one of a number of Democratic Senators who voted in favour of the George W Bush administra­tion’s invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of the dictator Saddam Hussein.

Then, in 2011, serving as Barack Obama’s vice-president, Mr Biden assumed personal responsibi­lity for overseeing the withdrawal of the 150,000 American soldiers based in the country, a move that is widely considered to have led to the devastatin­g seizure of large tracts of Iraq by Isil militants in the summer of 2014. Isil’s dramatic emergence resulted in US forces returning to Iraq to drive out the jihadist group.

Having viewed the Iraq issue from both sides, Mr Biden knows only too well the pitfalls of Washington’s policy in recent decades. Neverthele­ss, by ending US combat operations, the American leader is rolling the dice at a moment when the country is still attempting the difficult transition from tyrannical rule to functionin­g democracy.

Making the announceme­nt after meeting Iraq’s Prime Minister, Mustafa al-kadhimi, at the White House on Monday, Mr Biden said Washington remained committed to “strengthen­ing Iraq’s democracy”, as well as the fight against Isil. But, from next year, the US will only provide training and support for the Iraqi military, which henceforwa­rd will have to tackle Isil and other threats to the country’s security on its own.

In addition, Iraq remains a key target for neighbouri­ng Iran’s Islamic Republican Guard Corps, which continues to support a complex network of Shia militias that seek closer ties between Baghdad and Tehran.

Mr Biden will justify the cessation of American hostilitie­s in Iraq with the same argument used over Afghanista­n, that the US public is no longer interested in so-called “forever wars” and that, after two decades of relentless and costly combat, it is time for others to assume the burden.

Such arguments convenient­ly overlook the strategic imperative­s that obliged the US and its allies to maintain a strong military presence there in the first place, arguments, moreover, that are as pertinent today as they were 20 years ago. The primary purpose of Western involvemen­t in Afghanista­n has been to prevent the country being used as a safe haven by Islamist terror groups such as al-qaeda and Isil, a prospect that cannot be ruled out if the Taliban succeed in their bid to seize control of the country by force of arms.

In Iraq, meanwhile, the priority has been to prevent the country succumbing to the malign influences of either Iran or Isil.

Mr Biden’s decision, therefore, to withdraw US combat forces from both countries, as well as his capitulati­on over Nord Stream 2, sends a clear signal that his administra­tion has no real interest in global leadership. It is a message that will be gleefully received in Moscow and Beijing.

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