The Daily Telegraph

Streatham terrorist knew brother of Arena bomber


A CONVICTED terrorist who carried out the Streatham attack associated with the brother of the Manchester Arena bomber in prison, an inquest has heard.

Sudesh Amman, 20, stabbed two people on Streatham High Road in February last year only days after being released from prison for terror offences.

Whilst he was serving his 40-month sentence in HMP Belmarsh, Amman threatened to “kill the Queen” and told other inmates they would “come under the black [Islamic State] flag”. He also expressed regret he “had not been the one to kill” Fusilier Lee Rigby, who was stabbed to death outside Woolwich Barracks in 2013 by two Islamist terrorists.

Prison officers noticed that Amman, from Harrow, north-west London, associated with radical inmates, including

‘Women should be treated like slaves because that’s what it says in the Koran’

Hashem Abedi, the brother of suicide bomber Salman Abedi. Despite the concerning incidents, Amman was released from prison on Jan 23 last year. He carried out his attack 10 days later.

The evidence was heard as part of the second day of the inquest into the death of Amman, who was killed by armed police 62 seconds after his terror attack.

This week, the inquest heard how the police tried to keep Amman in prison after a pledge of allegiance to IS was found in his cell and he told fellow inmates: “I’m not finished with these non-believers yet.” But the prison authoritie­s said it would not be possible because there was not enough time before Amman was due to be automatica­lly released to process an extension.

The inquest yesterday heard how Annam held extreme Islamist views, telling inmates that “women should be treated like slaves because that’s what it says in the Koran”.

The inquest continues.

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