The Daily Telegraph

Girls are just cleverer, says exams expert

- By Izzy Lyons

Girls are expected to increase their lead over boys in GCSE results, as an expert says that we should “just accept that females are cleverer”. Today, half a million teenagers are to receive their results, which will be based on predicted grades after exams were cancelled again. Prof Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University, said: “Girls have long been ahead, but the tendency has been to explain away their superior performanc­e … why can’t we just accept that they are cleverer?”

A FIREARMS officer who killed the Streatham terrorist appeared to break down as he told an inquest how he feared he would die in the attack.

The officer, known only as BX87 to protect his identity, was one of two armed covert surveillan­ce constables who chased Sudesh Amman as he randomly stabbed people in a busy southwest London shopping street in February last year.

The 20-year-old was shot dead when BX87 and his colleague, BX75, opened fire in Streatham High Road.

Both men said that they feared Amman would attack more people before he was brought to a halt. BX75 said that he “fired a shot in his chest area” because he feared he was about to become the terrorist’s next victim.

Giving evidence to the inquest into Amman’s death at the Royal Courts of

‘As I tried to slow myself, my vision almost was like a cartoon – the blade of the knife almost doubled in size’

Justice, BX87 said that he had closed the gap with Amman and the pair came face to face in a brief stand-off.

He said: “The blade was pointing towards me. As I tried to slow myself, my vision almost was like a cartoon – the blade of the knife almost doubled in size. It was a strange feeling. His body was forward. It was pretty clear to me he was intent on attacking me or further members of the public.

“I continued shouting, ‘Armed police, drop the knife’.”

His voice quavering slightly, he added: “I saw Mr Amman take a number of paces towards me, closing the gap farther. It really dawned on me at this point that I was going to get stabbed.” The witness then asked for a break. He later told the inquest that he thought Amman would “stab me, attack me, try and kill me” as he charged towards him, and fired three shots.

His colleague recalled how he “locked eyes” with Amman before shooting at him with his Glock pistol. The shot missed and struck a shop window. “I thought he was going to stab me – and kill me,” BX75 said. “Certainly seriously injure me.”

He then fired two further shots. The inquest continues.

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