The Daily Telegraph

Ex-marine says the Taliban helped him with pet airlift

- By Harry Yorke Whitehall editor

A FORMER royal marine has claimed “nobody in the British government” helped him get into Kabul airport with his cats and dogs, as he yesterday hit back at criticism of his campaign.

In his first interview since being evacuated from Afghanista­n, Paul “Pen” Farthing said he was “sick to death” of claims that the airlifting of his 170 animals represente­d pets being prioritise­d over people.

The 52-year-old, who has been engaged in a bitter war of words with the Ministry of Defence, also appeared to reignite the row by claiming that he had been left to negotiate his entry into Hamid Karzai Internatio­nal Airport with the Taliban.

His comments are likely to anger senior figures, who have made clear that it was through the UK sponsoring Mr Farthing’s privately chartered flight that it was given clearance to land and depart the airport on Saturday.

Mr Farthing was speaking less than 24 hours after he arrived at Heathrow on Sunday, having spent days campaignin­g for the staff, family members and animals of his Nowzad animal shelter to be evacuated from Afghanista­n.

While his Operation Ark campaign has gained thousands of supporters, critics have claimed that the campaign led to resources on the ground being diverted from helping to save people.

Despite securing visas for 58 Nowzad staff and their dependants, they remain in Kabul as Mr Farthing was unable to secure their entry to the airport and was the only person on-board the flight.

On Sunday it emerged that Mr Farthing had left a voice message for a government aide in which he threatened to “f ****** destroy” them unless they ensured the airlift took place.

Asked about his remarks yesterday, Mr Farthing told ITV’S Good Morning Britain: “Emotions got the better of me, so for all those who had to listen to that I do apologise for my language.”

He added: “Nobody in the British government facilitate­d my entry into the airport. I did that with the Taliban. There was me and a truck full of cats and dogs.”

 ??  ?? ‘Pen’ Farthing saved 170 animals from a Kabul shelter, but had to leave 58 staff behind
‘Pen’ Farthing saved 170 animals from a Kabul shelter, but had to leave 58 staff behind

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