The Daily Telegraph

Who goes there?


In the book of Judges, the Gileadites asked strangers to say “Shibboleth” to determine if they were friend or foe. The password’s test was in the pronunciat­ion, not in the memory. If only things were still so simple. Today it would have to be $hibbo1eth to satisfy modern companies’ insistence on capital letters, numbers and “special characters”. The quest to improve security is a noble one, although it seems barely to have dented online fraud, and the main side-effect has been a proliferat­ion of passwords that are longer and harder to remember. Microsoft says it is heading for a “password-less future”, allowing users to use facial recognitio­n or their fingerprin­ts instead. Doubtless the new system will contain its own deficienci­es, but it will be welcomed by anyone who’d forget their head if it wasn’t screwed on.

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