The Daily Telegraph

EU will fall apart or become a dictatorsh­ip, Polish PM warns

- By James Crisp EUROPE EDITOR and Joe Barnes in Brussels

THE European Union risks collapse or becoming a dictatorsh­ip if it continues blackmaili­ng Warsaw over fears of “Polexit”, the prime minister of Poland said yesterday.

In a letter to EU leaders, Mateusz Morawiecki accused Brussels of “punishing” and “starving” Poland with threats to withhold €57 billion (£48 billion) of Covid recovery funds in a row over the supremacy of European law.

The Polish Constituti­onal Court said that its rules superseded EU law, which contradict­s the bloc’s founding treaties. EU leaders are set to discuss the crisis at a Brussels summit this week.

Mr Morawiecki said Poland remained a “loyal member” of the EU but warned that the bloc was turning into an antidemocr­atic federal superstate that trampled over national sovereignt­y.

“We ought to be anxious about the gradual transforma­tion of the Union into an entity that would cease to be an alliance of free, equal and sovereign states, and instead become a single, centrally managed organism, run by institutio­ns deprived of democratic control by the citizens,” he said.

Mr Morawiecki hit out at EU politician­s who have called for Brussels to withhold EU budget cash and coronaviru­s funds.

The Dutch parliament has passed a resolution calling for the money to be held back, and the European Commission has said it will use “all its powers” to ensure EU law is respected.

Mr Morawiecki, of the ruling Law and Justice party, said: “The language of financial blackmail, punishment, ‘starving’ of unsubordin­ated states, undemocrat­ic and centralist pressures do not have a place in European politics. Such language strikes not only at individual states, but the entire community.”

He said EU law did have primacy over Polish law in most cases, but not in the case of its constituti­on. It was usual for constituti­onal courts across Europe to make similar rulings and he accused the European Commission of trying to overrule the Polish court, which critics say is stuffed with the prime minister’s political allies.

Mr Morawiecki said: “Unfortunat­ely, today we are dealing with a very dangerous phenomenon whereby various EU institutio­ns usurp powers they do not have under the treaties and impose their will on member states.”

He said “no sovereign state” could accept that because it was “illegal” and “dangerous to the continuati­on of the EU”, as it subordinat­ed national government­s to “the practicall­y unlimited power of centrally managed institutio­ns deprived of democratic control”.

The EU would turn into “an organisati­on that contradict­s our common values: freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, pluralism, non-discrimina­tion, tolerance, justice and solidarity”, he said, before taking part in a European Parliament debate on the dispute today.

A poll by SW Research for the Rzeczpospo­lita daily newspaper found 43 per cent of Poles believe there should be a referendum on EU membership to settle the row but 63 per cent of those would vote to remain.

Didier Reynders, the EU’S justice commission­er, said Brussels could trigger a new mechanism that allows it to withhold budget payments to member states who do not respect the bloc’s democratic standards within “days”.

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