The Daily Telegraph

Tibetans ‘forced into’ Chinese state schools

- By Angelica Oung

TIBETAN children as young as four are being separated from their parents and placed into a vast network of state-run boarding schools to strip them of their national identity and build loyalty to the Communist Party of China (CPC), according to research.

As many as 900,000 Tibetan pupils are in the school system, which forces children to study primarily in Chinese, bans them from practising their religion and indoctrina­tes them, according to a report by Tibetan Action Institute, an advocacy group.

The policy has echoes of the mass detention and re-education schemes in Xinjiang, where more than a million Uyghur Muslims are said to have been locked up and forced into work.

Using first-hand testimonia­ls from Tibetans in China, the 61-page report alleges that three out of four Tibetan students are separated from their families and communitie­s – and called upon the internatio­nal community to intervene on their behalf.

“By uprooting Tibetan children from their families and culture and making them live in state-run boarding schools, the [Chinese] are using one of the most heinous tools of colonisati­on to attack

Tibetan identity,” Lhadon Tethong, director of Tibet Action Institute, said.

“China’s unpreceden­ted campaign of forced Sinicisati­on in Tibet targets even the youngest children and demands the urgent interventi­on of the United Nations and concerned government­s.”

Parents are coerced into parting with their child by being threatened with fines or being told that their child would not get further schooling if they are not sent away to boarding kindergart­ens.

“I know of children aged four to five who don’t want to be separated from their mothers.

“They are forced to go to boarding schools,” one source told researcher­s.

Once at the schools, the children often fail to thrive as they are given limited care while they studied primarily in Chinese, are barred from practising their religion and are subjected to political indoctrina­tion, the institute said.

At the boarding schools, all children are taught from Chinese-only texts.

Examples of mandated textbooks provided by the report include smiling students in various ethnic garb and the sentence “I am Chinese”.

A London tribunal investigat­ing alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang concluded yesterday that China committed genocide in the region by preventing births in the Uyghur population.

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