The Daily Telegraph

Blood-sport of 1960s intellectu­al giants’ TV debate packs a punch

- By Dominic Cavendish

Best of Enemies Young Vic, London W12 ★★★★★

James Graham is theatre’s canniest cultural archaeolog­ist. He’s constantly unearthing overlooked modern-historical moments. He’s not a risqué writer; he’s motivated by a desire to inform and entertain. Yet his works aren’t “safe”; he’s drawn to material that has a kind of radioactiv­e quality. He identifies episodes that have fundamenta­lly changed us.

Best of Enemies, his insightful, well-researched and compelling new play, is a departure in that he takes us to America, circa 1968. Previously, he has been drawn to dramatisin­g staging posts in British socio-political life, whether that be Margaret Thatcher’s childhood, Anthony Eden during the Suez Crisis, Parliament in the mid-1970s (This House), or, on television, the machinatio­ns before the EU referendum (Brexit: The Uncivil War).

He’s openly indebted here to a 2015 US documentar­y film of the same name, which delved back into the fevered televised set-tos that took place in 1968 between rival intellectu­al figurehead­s of the American Left and Right. That riot-torn summer, during the Republican and Democrat convention­s in Miami Beach and Chicago – which decided candidates for that year’s presidenti­al election – Gore Vidal and William F Buckley Jr were asked to take part in a televised series of related debates, aired by ABC.

Graham starts with the bombshell moment, in the 10th debate, when Buckley ventured beyond the usual line of casually witty sniping between the two men, and let loose a homophobic slur in outraged response to Vidal’s suggestion about his being a crypto-fascist. We see David Harewood’s Buckley and Charles Edwards’s Vidal twisting in neighbouri­ng seats on a podium in stunned silence at the verbal violence

The route towards our age’s online namecallin­g and trolling is all too apparent

just unleashed. The full exchange itself, though, is only enacted in the second half.

Graham first rewinds to show how they came to be conjoined in debate in the first place and the build-up to that eruption of verbal toxicity. The evening offers a simple – but no less truthful for that – thesis that here was the birth of televised political discussion as blood-sport. The route towards the ratings-chasing TV news outlets of today, and more broadly, our age’s online name-calling and trolling is all too apparent.

As with the most comparable plays of his – Ink, about Rupert Murdoch and Fleet Street, and Quiz, looking at audience manipulati­on on the back of Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e? – Graham crams in a lot of exposition, albeit he sneaks in his homework through a fittingly Sixties collage style of enjoyable, fleeting vignettes.

There’s a touch of overload in the pop-up cameos – Andy Warhol and Aretha Franklin crop up, as do, more incongruou­sly, Enoch Powell and Tariq Ali, the British activist. But the production is directed with flair and flurries of period sounds by Jeremy Herrin, who ranges the audience as if in a TV studio and at times has actors syncing their speeches with related film footage.

A lot of ground is covered, but though there are notable interjecti­ons from playwright James Baldwin (a wise, wry Syrus Lowe), we hear too little from black America, not to mention the angry young railing at Vietnam.

The leads, though, excel. Harewood – in a striking, thought-provoking instance of quasi colour-blind casting – doesn’t replicate the amused loftiness that Buckley took pains to display, but he has intellectu­al force and vigour; we see him shifting up a gear to respond to the threat level, strategisi­ng as the stakes get higher. Likewise, Edwards’s cool, urbane Vidal shifts from off-hand egotist to more urgent emissary of America’s salvation.

Their particular battle is long over, yet – even so – on it rages.

 ?? ?? Bombshell: David Harewood as William F Buckley Jr and Charles Edwards as Gore Vidal
Bombshell: David Harewood as William F Buckley Jr and Charles Edwards as Gore Vidal

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