The Daily Telegraph

The Week in Westminste­r


Friday, Dec 10

Commons: Private Members’ Bills, 2nd Readings: Medical Cannabis (Access); Climate Change; British Goods (Public Sector Purchasing Duty); Clean Air Targets (World Health Organisati­on Guidelines); Consumer Pricing; Broadcasti­ng (Listed Sporting Events); Puppy Import (Prohibitio­n); Employment (Applicatio­n Requiremen­ts); Public Sector Website Impersonat­ion; Hunting Trophy Import (Prohibitio­n); Armenian Genocide (Recognitio­n); House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-elections) (No 2); Local Electricit­y; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Pension Transfers (Parliament­ary and Health Service Ombudsman Investigat­ion); Employment and Trade Union Rights (Dismissal and Re-engagement) Bill, Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading; Wellbeing of Future Generation­s (No 2); Climate and Ecology; Public Advocate; Local Government (Disqualifi­cation) Bill, Remaining Stages; Ambulance Waiting Times (Local Reporting); Copyright (Rights and Remunerati­on of Musicians, etc); Registers of Births and Deaths, Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading (Nov 26); Illegal Immigratio­n (Offences); Plastics (Wet Wipes); NHS England (Alternativ­e Treatment); Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (Amendment); BBC Licence Fee Non-payment (Decriminal­isation for Over-75s); Caravan Sites; Green Belt (Protection); Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation); COVID-19 Vaccine Damage. Adjournmen­t: Caring for children and young people with complex needs.

Lords: Debate: Contempora­ry challenges to freedom of speech, and the role of public, private and civil society sectors in its upholding.

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