The Daily Telegraph

Moscow sets out deal for peace – but Kyiv is likely to find it unpalatabl­e

Demands include a ceasefire, neutrality, recognitio­n of Crimea and the breakaway republics, and probably a friendly PM

- By Robert Mendick and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Tbilisi

WHEN Vladimir Putin launched his war with Ukraine, he said he was doing so to “de-nazify” the country, questionin­g its right to exist.

Only last week the Russian president had accused the country’s leadership, including its Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky, of being a “band of drug addicts and neo-nazis”.

Yesterday, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s chief spokesman, offered Moscow’s terms to halt the invasion. If the original plan had been to conquer the whole of Ukraine, the terms of the new deal represent a significan­t retreat.

After 12 days of fighting, Mr Putin’s war is not going to plan. Russia has failed to capture Kyiv, its convoy in the north is bogged down, and its troops are suffering major losses – though it could still regroup, Western officials say, and there is better progress in the south.

But Mr Peskov, who has served as Mr Putin’s spokesman for more than 20 years, said Russia would stop fighting “in a moment” if Ukraine were to meet its list of conditions.

Moscow may have decided – with economic sanctions crippling the country – that the war is better cut short; and that now is the time to pursue a peace deal on its terms. Or it may be a trap.

Ukraine may be obliged to reject the deal and Russia may step up its bombardmen­t, claiming it had no other choice. Moscow’s demands are:

Ukraine must cease firing

If the Kremlin had thought the might of the Russian military would knock off Ukraine in quick time, it was wrong. Mr

Peskov retreated from any suggestion that Mr Putin had been making territoria­l claims on Ukraine. He said it was “not true” that Russia was demanding the whole of Ukraine be handed over and put under Kremlin control.

In an interview with Reuters, Mr Peskov said: “We really are finishing the demilitari­sation of Ukraine. We will finish it. But the main thing is that Ukraine ceases its military action.”

Ukraine has suffered terrible losses with Russia targeting its densely populated urban areas. But only Kherson, of the major cities, has fallen. Kyiv will be dismissive of a ceasefire with the preconditi­ons dictated by Russia.

Anatol Lieven, senior fellow with the Quincy Institute for Responsibl­e Statecraft, questioned yesterday what Mr Peskov actually meant by “demilitari­sation”, adding: “If it means the abolition of the Ukrainian armed forces, then that’s completely unacceptab­le.”

But if it meant the withdrawal of long-range missiles from its soil, similar to the agreement that ended the Cuban missile crisis, then Prof Lieven said a deal might be possible.

Ukraine must not join the EU or Nato Russia has long protested against any attempt by Ukraine to join either the Nato alliance or the European Union. It wants to make Ukraine’s neutrality a condition of any peace deal.

Mr Peskov told Reuters: “They should make amendments to the constituti­on according to which Ukraine would reject any aims to enter any bloc.

“Ukraine is an independen­t state that will live as it wants, but under conditions of neutrality.”

Shashank Joshi, defence editor at The Economist, said: “So two weeks in, Russia has unilateral­ly moved down to: the Nazis can stay if they say no to Nato and hand over territory.”

He added: “Were Ukraine to agree to such terms (not impossible), it would also have bad implicatio­ns for other EU or Nato aspirants.”

Recognise Crimea

Russia illegally annexed the Crimea in 2014, claiming it was doing so to protect ethnic Russians living in the peninsula. Yesterday, Mr Peskov said: “We have also spoken about how they should recognise that Crimea is Russian territory.”

Mr Zelensky and the West have refused to recognise Russia’s annexation. But the reality is Russia will not hand back Crimea and Ukraine is never going to win it back in a war.

This could be a sticking point, but the West may wish to push Mr Zelensky into a deal if it brought hostilitie­s to a halt. Prof Lieven suggests the thorny issue could somehow be “shelved”.

If Moscow and Kyiv could come to some deal on Crimea – without Ukraine having to recognise it as a Russian territory – then perhaps Russia could argue it had secured Crimea’s survival and justify the invasion, thus saving face.

Recognise Donetsk and Luhansk

Parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions have been occupied by Russian separatist­s since 2014. Ukraine’s eastern border has seen intermitte­nt fighting over the past eight years and now the Kremlin is demanding the two regions be recognised as independen­t countries.

In the days before the war, Mr Putin had recognised the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in a signing ceremony live on television that was a prelude to war. Yesterday Mr Peskov said their recognitio­n would need to be part of any peace deal.

Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist with the Rand Corporatio­n, a US defence think tank, said it was “hard to see” how Mr Zelensky could agree to the recognitio­n of Donetsk and Luhansk, adding it could only happen “if there were a new government installed”.

The fate of President Zelensky

The Kremlin’s plan in the first days of the war had been to capture Hostomel airport close to Kyiv, land a crack team of special forces troops, drive to the capital, grab the president and, metaphoric­ally at least, “decapitate” him.

But 12 days on, Mr Zelensky remains a hero of the Ukrainian people and now of the world. “I’m staying here, I’m staying in Kyiv... I’m not afraid,” he said in a video late last night.

In his Reuters interview, Mr Peskov made no mention of Russia’s demands for Mr Zelensky, but Christo Grozev, of Bellingcat, a journalism group, said the Kremlin was willing to accept Mr Zelensky as president provided that Yuriy Boiko, a senior politician more sympatheti­c to Russia, was appointed as prime minister. Again it’s a demand that will be unpalatabl­e to Kyiv.

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 ?? ?? Hundreds gather at Kharkiv-pasazhyrsk­yi railway station to flee Russian attacks
Hundreds gather at Kharkiv-pasazhyrsk­yi railway station to flee Russian attacks
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 ?? ?? Clockwise from left: a building was badly damaged when a Russian missile was shot down over the city of Kramatorsk by Ukrainian air defence; security personnel inspect a military weapon in Mykolaiv; family members mourn Ukrainian soldier Denys Hrynchuk, who was killed near Volnovakha
Clockwise from left: a building was badly damaged when a Russian missile was shot down over the city of Kramatorsk by Ukrainian air defence; security personnel inspect a military weapon in Mykolaiv; family members mourn Ukrainian soldier Denys Hrynchuk, who was killed near Volnovakha

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