The Daily Telegraph

‘What’s a woman? In my house, it’s the person who doesn’t cook’

The former minister on being a ‘domestic goddess’ at home, the moment he knew his mother had dementia – and why societies get the politician­s they deserve


Ed Balls is about to take a bite of his lunch when I ask him what he makes of Gavin Williamson being given a knighthood. His face crumples. He puts his fork back down. I feel bad about the timing of my question – the former Labour secretary of state for schools has been looking forward to his sausages with Austrian potato salad and sauerkraut, and my mention of this particular successor has clearly put him off it.

“I find it totally…” The 55-year-old pauses, and stares at his plate. “Well, it doesn’t make me ever want to have a knighthood. The handling of the exam marking in 2020, which was the summer my daughter did her GCSES, and the ignoring of expert advice through April, May and June – and I know it was ignored, because I know some of the senior people who were giving the advice – it was so shambolic and cruel to young people. That’s the secretary of state’s job. To lead that.

“He was being told, himself, months before, that this was going to be a catastroph­e. And at the last minute to do a U-turn and then try to blame Ofqual was shocking.”

For a moment I think Balls might drive his fork through a sausage in anger. “That was such a policy low point. And then beyond that, the communicat­ion has been so dire. You have 22,000 head teachers, each with their own governing body, and they run their school and budgets. Of course there’s direction from the centre, there’s a legal framework, but in the end they have to believe in it. If you fail to win their trust – and in fact you lose their trust – then you can’t do the job. It’s not clear why you then get rewarded with a knighthood.”

While we are on the subject of baffling government decisions, what does he make of the response to welcoming refugees from Ukraine? His wife, the shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has been vocal in her criticism of Priti Patel, and in the past has said she would happily take refugees into their home if needed.

Are the family planning to now? Balls fixes me with his big blue eyes. “I sort of think that [question] is not worthy of The Telegraph,” he says, politely. The sausages get colder. “What Yvette said was probably more complicate­d than that, it was about our society’s obligation to people in need. At the moment you just feel really sorry for these poor foreign office or defence ministers coming on [the news] and trying to explain what the Home Office is doing, because it’s just so chaotic and behind the curve.”

Balls has never been a fan of free movement. “I thought the only way to sustain Britain’s place in the world was to have a proper manned migration policy. I think free movement felt like a free-market-free-for-all for many people, and the inability of politics and David Cameron to solve that was an important part of the referendum result. But part of the reason why you don’t have an open door free movement policy, and part of the reason why you have managed migration, is so that at times of crisis you can help people who need it.”

We meet at the Delaunay restaurant in Covent Garden, ostensibly to discuss his new book, Appetite, a memoir told through recipes. But I am afraid that over the course of almost three hours, I push him far more on politics than on food, to the point that he barely eats what is in front of him.

During his time in Westminste­r, he was often described as an intellectu­al bully, and a macho culture was said to pervade Downing Street under Gordon Brown. Though Balls ran for Labour leader in 2010, I get the impression he is much more suited to life outside Parliament, where he doesn’t have to engage with the brutality of politics.

At one point during our lunch, he tells me a story concerning the stammer he has had since childhood, which I think says a lot about how he felt when he was an MP.

As shadow chancellor, back in 2011 he stammered in response to George Osborne’s Autumn Statement. “The Tories really went for me. And then Nick Robinson, that night on the ten o’clock news, said that I lacked confidence in my arguments. I rang him and said ‘what are you saying that for? It’s a stammer!’ The next morning, Sarah Montague on the Today programme asked ‘do you feel you’ve let people down by not being confident in your response to George Osborne?’ And I suddenly realised they didn’t understand.

“So I said to her ‘look, I have a stammer, and sometimes it goes wrong, especially when there’s 300 people yelling at me, but I’m not going to apologise for that’.”

When he came out of the studio, he was in tears for 10 minutes, because he had never been open about his private life like that before. “But actually it was quite liberating,” he adds.

Balls only realised he had a stammer when he was elected as MP for Normanton in 2005. He had never had to do much public speaking, so it didn’t really get in the way. Suddenly, public speaking was almost all he had to do. “They said I had to have [speech] therapy and I said ‘I can’t have therapy, I’m a cabinet minister, cabinet ministers don’t have therapy!’ And she [the therapist] kept saying that until I went public, I’d never get better. There was two years of me refusing to believe that was the case until I finally did.”

Now, he says, it’s the reason he can do things like Strictly Come Dancing: “Once I’d got through the stammer, nothing else was ever as hard.”

He’s not exaggerati­ng. Last year, his Thai butternut squash and courgette curry saw him crowned the winner of the BBC’S Celebrity Best Home Cook.

Balls loves to be in the kitchen, but he hadn’t realised just how central food was to his life until doing the programme and book.

“[It was] the shock of realising that all the most important moments in my life are food related, and that’s probably the thing I remember more than anything else. The first time I met Yvette, we had fish and chips. You think ‘God, was that the most important thing going on?’ ” He mimes an aghast look. “But it’s what I remember.”

Food is how he knew his beloved mum was suffering from dementia, when, at a family event, she brought out a chicken casserole, only for everyone to discover that the meat was raw. The kitchen was the heart of the home growing up, with Balls enjoying pureed roast beef at just three-weeks-old.

He was born in Norwich, the oldest of three children, and grew up in Nottingham. In Appetite he writes that food and family have been “a constant comfort in our changing world, and one which I’ve been lucky to experience in the kitchen as well as round the dinner table, as a dad as well as a son”.

Balls has always cooked for his three children, Ellie, 23, Joe, 21, and Maddy, 18, at their home in north London. He is the “domestic goddess” in the marriage, and often finds himself trailing after his wife picking up wet towels. When I text him after our interview to ask him how he would define a woman – Cooper having refused to earlier this week, describing the gender debate as a “rabbit hole” – he replies, cleverly, that “in our house, it’s definitely not the person who does the cooking or the food shopping!”

Balls, who studied PPE at Oxford and began his career at the Financial Times, met Cooper when they were both advisers in the Labour Party. They wed in 1998 and became the first married couple to be in the Cabinet at the same time. They worked hard to protect their children from the world of politics, “to make sure that there was time and space for them” and that they left the job at the front door, as much as possible.

Indeed, other than the revelation that Peter Mandelson once invited Balls for lunch and served him nothing more than a green salad and some tomato soup with crusty bread (“that’s what they call establishi­ng a power dynamic”), there’s not much politics in the book.

I sense this is on purpose – since he lost his seat in Normanton in the 2015 election, after a decade, Balls has made a pretty good stab at moving away from politics, first with a spin around the

Strictly floor in 2016 (his spirited salsa to

Gangnam Style was one of the reasons he made it to week 10), then with a 2019 Comic Relief climb up Mount Kilimanjar­o with girl group Little Mix, and most recently with Mary Berry on

Celebrity Best Home Cook.

He also does a bit of presenting on

Good Morning Britain, and has produced several documentar­ies for the BBC, one on Donald Trump and another on the social care crisis – prompted by his experience­s with his 83-year-old mother, who lives in a care home.

“She’s now had dementia for over 15 years,” he says. “A year ago they had a bad outbreak of Covid in the home and lots of people died. My mum tested positive but she didn’t have any symptoms. I think she’s healthier now than when she first went to the home three-and-a-half years ago.”

His dad, a zoologist, picked up the foodie bug during the pandemic and, Balls says, has started “cooking for the first time. And what has finally happened in the last few months is that my mum can come out of the home to have lunch with him, rather than him going to the home. It has a sense of normalcy and familiarit­y to it, which you don’t get if you go into a care home and have to wear PPE and sit around like you don’t belong.”

He is in talks to do more programmes with the BBC. When I ask if he would ever go back to politics he tells me that his answer is “probably not. There’s a new generation of parliament­arians in both parties, and maybe they should be allowed to get on with it. And in my own way, with my films about social care, I can show people things that I wouldn’t be able to show if I was still in Parliament. So maybe I’ve found a way to make a contributi­on that doesn’t require you to be elected.”

Our plates are replaced with coffees and teas. Balls tells me that politics has always been confrontat­ional, but that he thinks “it became more edgily aggressive once David Cameron became leader of the opposition”.

He doesn’t hold with that style. “I don’t think our politics has to be nasty and divisive. I think it’s fine to smile and to sometimes get on. I think when David Cameron said he stood for an end to Punch and Judy politics, I thought ‘that’s good’. And then he was probably more Punch and Judy in his politics than any prime minister I’ve seen up close, and I thought that was a pity.” Boris Johnson, he believes, has followed in this tradition.

But what about that macho culture under Blair and Brown? “I think in the period leading up to 1997, before we got into government, it was quite young and male. But that changed a lot once we were in.”

There were certainly no drunken gatherings in state rooms during his

‘Our only work is to persuade the next generation that politics is a noble cause’

time. “In the days when I was working in Downing Street, there was rather more social distancing than partying. But then that was the nature of the Blair-brown relationsh­ip. I think most people who have worked in politics find partygate pretty incomprehe­nsible. In politics you have to spend the whole time asking yourself: is the way in which we are behaving something we could explain and justify if seen by the outside world? And every now and then people in their personal lives behave in a reckless manner. But normally systems don’t behave recklessly. Systems are there to stop that happening.”

Balls thinks, however, that the Treasury and the Bank of England did a “brilliant” job at the beginning of the pandemic. “The economic story is a good story,” he says. He doesn’t feel the need to paint the Tories as baddies – he can give compliment­s where due.

“Politics has changed in that with social media you can attack the other side and strengthen the enthusiasm of your base by using language which is more aggressive and divisive. The kind of politics which says the other side aren’t only wrong but evil, that their motives are base. I think personally that is quite alienating for lots of people watching Prime Minister’s Questions.”

He adds that Sir Keir Starmer is at his best “when he’s speaking to the country”, rather than to the party. Could Labour win the next election? “It’s a huge task for Labour to win because of the scale of the loss in 2019, and in particular because of what’s happened in Scotland. So I think it’s hard. But it’s possible,” he says.

Balls is engaging company, and lights up when we are not talking about politics. He loves that in this new life he gets to spend more time with his children, and that he can be more open-minded and less cynical.

But he still believes that politics is the most important job in the world. “I think the only time I felt really gloomy in the last few weeks was when Tony Blair did an interview where he was talking about his family, and he said he wouldn’t want his children to go into politics.” The blue eyes look dismayed. “I thought ‘Tony, you can’t say that’. He went into politics because he believed he could change the world and he did some really important things. In every generation, society’s only work is to persuade the next generation that politics is a noble cause, and you should go and do it. Because if you don’t…”

He takes a gulp of his coffee. “Societies get the politician­s they deserve. If you have a society where only the oligarchs get elected, or only the men, or the rich, or election is a route to self-aggrandise­ment, well that’s when democracie­s collapse. It may be that when you’ve seen politics up close and how brutal it is, that you decide it’s not for you. But to say you don’t want your kids to because it’s a bad thing to do these days, that’s really dangerous.”

The sausages may have gone cold, but the same cannot be said for Ed Balls’s passion.

‘Appetite: A Memoir in Recipes of Family and Food’ by Ed Balls (RRP £8.99). Buy now at or call 0844 871 1514.

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 ?? ?? Power couple: Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper on their wedding day in 1998 in Eastbourne
Power couple: Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper on their wedding day in 1998 in Eastbourne

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