The Daily Telegraph

Bridge news


Last week, writes Julian Pottage, Bridge Correspond­ent, the highest scores each day in the English Bridge Union’s open 12-board online matchpoint duplicate pairs games were as follows:

Monday: 73.11%, scored by Mairi Shiels and Alex from Scotland in Game 3 (7.30 pm).

Tuesday: 70.51%, scored by Jackie Davies and Jim Hay in Game 2 (3.30 pm).

Wednesday: 72.31%, scored by Andrew Lewis and an Advanced BBO Bot in Game 4 (9 pm).

Thursday: 70.83%, scored by Inu Kassam and Geoffrey Chapman in Game 2.

Friday: 69.38%, scored by Martine Rothschild and Norman Agran in Game 1 (2 pm). Saturday: 74.44%, scored by Stephen Hooker and Meena Samani in Game 3.

Sunday: 70.57%, scored by Mike Wignall and an Advanced BBO Bot in Game 3.

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