The Daily Telegraph

EU still funding Putin


SIR – Vladimir Putin is winning, over time, in Ukraine and his efforts are funded by a weak EU whose major players are unwilling or unable to take the major decision and cut off energy supplies from Russia immediatel­y.

The EU is taking weeks to make no decisions and Germany appears unprepared to accept the impact of cutting off Russian energy, particular­ly gas supplies, on its economy. If Mr Putin wins in Ukraine the result will have fateful consequenc­es for Europe and the world. Yet the EU continues to pay for the Russian war effort.

Wringing hands after Mr Putin has won will achieve nothing and it will be painful. A brief period of hardship now is needed to stop Mr Putin in Ukraine. Nigel Randall Bourton-on-the-water, Gloucester­shire

SIR – Why are the Ukrainians not already able to use the long-range artillery they have been promised?

Remember General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s dictum: “Get there fastest with the mostest.”

David Berry

London SW17

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