The Daily Telegraph

Rome accused of cruelty over plan to cull 50,000 boar

- By Nick Squires in Rome

ITALIAN authoritie­s have been accused of cruelty after announcing a plan to cull 50,000 wild boar in Rome and the surroundin­g area.

In Italy, wild boar not only roam the countrysid­e but also encroach on towns and cities, feeding off uncollecte­d rubbish, causing road accidents and occasional­ly attacking people.

The region of Lazio, which includes Rome, has approved a plan to kill 50,000 of the boar, double the number that were culled last year.

Female boar will be singled out – they can give birth up to twice a year, each time having as many as 10 piglets.

A small army of hunters will be deployed across Lazio during the next hunting season, with hotspots including the capital and the towns of Rieti and Viterbo.

The cull will aim to combat the “species’ penetratio­n of urban environmen­ts”, the region’s management plan said.

Wild boar cause millions of euros’ worth of damage by eating crops and provoked a recent outbreak of African swine fever in Lazio, which they can pass onto domestic pigs.

Coldiretti, a national farmers’ organisati­on which estimates that the country’s boar population now exceeds two million, warned that if swine fever spread further among domestic pigs, the effects would be “catastroph­ic”.

The cull was criticised by some animal welfare organisati­ons. The Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Protection of Animals said: “This is a myopic and execrable measure which favours hunting and blood over any ethical solution.”

Daniele Diaco, a politician with the Five Star Movement and vice-president of the region’s environmen­tal committee, said the cull was “a plan of unpreceden­ted cruelty”.

Fioravante Serrani, a farming consultant and expert on boar, said the most effective way of preventing them from frequentin­g urban areas was to “eliminate the attraction of organic rubbish that is abandoned in the streets”.

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