The Daily Telegraph

British aversion to an efficient ID card scheme


SIR – As a Swiss visiting London, I had to smile at Philip Johnston’s major objection to ID cards being that there would always be a glitch somewhere in the system (Comment, November 16).

We moved house in Switzerlan­d two weeks ago and with one simple five-minute process updated our ID cards with our new address. This informatio­n was simultaneo­usly communicat­ed to update our driving licenses, car registrati­on, health insurance policy and no doubt also sent to other important data centres. There were no glitches.

If we have an accident, are required to collect tickets and prescripti­ons, or need to show proof of identity for good reason, we can show this single item, which quickly proves our identities beyond doubt. We just don’t understand why Britain is so set against such a useful and ultimately security-enhancing scheme.

Michael Bentley

Zug, Switzerlan­d

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