The Daily Telegraph

ADHD test could bring earlier, more accurate diagnosis

- By Michael Murphy

A TEST that could distinguis­h badly behaved children from those with attention-deficit/hyperactiv­ity disorder (ADHD) has been developed by scientists at Yale University.

Brain difference­s in people with the attention disorder – including abnormal connectivi­ty in neurons involved in memory and auditory processing – can be used as biomarkers to confirm a diagnosis, researcher­s say. And, by identifyin­g young patients, the test could lead to earlier diagnosis, treatment planning and surveillan­ce of the condition.

Report co-author Dr Huang Lin, of the Yale School of Medicine, said: “There’s a need for a more objective methodolog­y for a more efficient and reliable diagnosis. ADHD symptoms are often undiagnose­d or misdiagnos­ed because the evaluation is subjective.”

The findings, presented at a meeting of the Radiologic­al Society of North America in Chicago, are based on brain scans of almost 8,000 nine- and 10-yearolds in the United States, including 1,798 diagnosed with ADHD.

Up to one in 20 schoolchil­dren in the UK are thought to have the condition.

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