The Daily Telegraph

Nurses’ strike ‘will hit A&E’ as emergency protection dropped


ACCIDENT and emergency (A&E) services are under threat from strike action after the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) failed to include emergency care in its list of exemptions.

The RCN has published a list of four areas which will be protected during strikes; chemothera­py, dialysis, critical care units such as intensive care and high dependency, and neonatal and paediatric intensive care.

Other services will be reduced to Christmas day or night duty levels, the union said. It had previously promised to protect emergency care, such as A&E, during any industrial action.

It has now passed the responsibi­lity onto trust leaders and local union representa­tives to negotiate staffing levels in A&E during strike action. It comes as A&E services across England are under significan­t pressure, with one in three ambulances delayed outside emergency department­s by at least 30 minutes. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has also warned around 4,000 patients a day are spending more than 12 hours in A&E as the emergency case system “collapses”. Pat Cullen, the union’s General Secretary, said last night: “Patients are already at great risk and we will not add to it.” In letters sent to NHS employers yesterday, the RCN set out its commitment to a “life-preserving” care model and the four areas of exemption.

When asked whether other areas, such as A&E, will be included in the list the RCN said employers must request additional exemptions if they are unable to maintain safe staffing levels.

A spokesman said: “If an employer is not able to maintain services without striking nursing staff, employers may request additional derogation­s beyond Critical Care Units, ITU/HDU, Dialysis and Chemothera­py services, Neonatal and Paediatric ICU.” He called on the Government and unions to commence negotiatio­ns “without delay” so that strikes can be called off.

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