The Daily Telegraph




A band of young adventurer­s are to leave this country next week to explore the unknown interior of British New Guinea, which is said to be rich in material resources, and is believed by some to be suitable for colonisati­on by white people. The enterprise, which is being. conducted by the British Pacific Science Expedition, has the advantage of support from the. Earl of Plymouth, who is chairman of the Committee of Control, and last night presided at a valedictor­y dinner, given at the Savoy Hotel, to the intrepid little party which is to form the expedition’s advance guard. The members of the expedition present were Mr. Neal Mcneill, F.R.G.S. (leader), Mr. Lucius. Conolly, F.R.G.S., Captain Hugh M. Frewen, Mr. Prescott, and Mr. Findlay. The company also included: Lord Lamington, the Countess of Plymouth, Sir James and Lady Connolly, Sir Timothy and Lady Coghlan, Sir Ernest Birch; Admiral Sir Edmund Fremantle, Lady (Sydney) Fremantle, Lady Wynne, and Lady Isabel Margesson.

The banner of the expedition was presented by Lady Coghlan, on behalf of ladies who had subscribed for it, to Lord Plymouth, who; in turn, handed it to Mr. Lucius Conolly; His lordship said these young men, in the true spirit of adventure, and following in the footsteps of their fathers, had not waited for the Government to take the initiative in the expedition they were undertakin­g, but had themselves started on an enterprise of Empire work for which not only the United Kingdom but the whole British Empire ought to be grateful. (Cheers.) They were carrying the torch into dark countries, and it was for those at home to keep the flame alight in the old country, to encourage their enterprise, to help them achieve what they were setting out to do, and to see that the country made the best, possible use of it. (Cheers.)

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