The Daily Telegraph

A threat to the integrity of our great museums


sir – I served as a national museum director from 1988 to 2010. I witnessed the changes that have resulted in the dilution of the ability of trustees to manage the strategic direction of our great museums. George Osborne’s current obsession with returning the Parthenon sculptures (Letters, January 7) is only one example.

In the past, trustees were appointed because they brought influence, expertise and support to the governance of their institutio­ns. Today, anyone can apply to become one. The dilution of experience and the individual’s wish to polish his or her credential­s results in the wrong people occupying important public posts.

Widespread ignorance of the difference between strategic governance and tactical management leads to radical change within our museums and galleries to pander to minority causes at the expense of our national and cultural heritage. We hear a lot from the likes of Mr Osborne – but why are museum directors not giving their side of the story? They are, after all, the profession­als who have dedicated their lives to preserving and conserving the public property under their stewardshi­p.

Dr Michael A Fopp

Soulbury, Buckingham­shire

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