The Daily Telegraph

Why schools should encourage pupils to sing

- – Brian Peel Birmingham

SIR – During my five years at a Devon boarding state grammar school in the 1950s, the combined choirs of the boys’ and girls’ schools (Letters, January 18) sang Handel’s Messiah, J S Bach’s St Matthew Passion and St John Passion (twice), Haydn’s The Creation, and Verdi’s Requiem, among others. We didn’t realise how lucky we were.

In a school magazine review, the late composer Helen Glatz wrote: “The music we make friends with in our youth is one of the greatest joys we can take with us through life.” How true this has proved to be. Philip Corp

Salisbury, Wiltshire

SIR – At Cheltenham Central (Boys) School in the 1940s we were not taught to read or study classical music, nor to play an instrument, but one hour in the week was devoted to singing.

The songs were mainly patriotic The British Grenadiers and Heart of Oak – but they were balanced with Shakespear­ean sonnets. Imagine 40 youths, with voices at or just beyond breaking point, singing Where the

bee sucks, there suck I or It was a lover and his lass. It was hilarious and also boosted morale in those dark days of conflict. Bernard Parkin

Cheltenham, Gloucester­shire

SIR – When I was a pupil at Loughton High School for Girls, we would listen to a classical record during morning assembly.

This delightful start to our day gave me a lifelong appreciati­on of the wonders of classical music – and one of my favourites was Morning by Edvard Grieg.

Jenny Austen

Great Dunmow, Essex

SIR – Mary Moore’s recollecti­on of music lessons (Letters, January 18) reminded me of one in the late 1970s, during which the teacher insisted we listen to 4’ 33’’, the 1952 compositio­n by American experiment­al composer John Cage.

It was the first and only time I was in a class of 30 boys that was silent but for the noise outside. I still recall where I was sitting but have, alas, forgotten the teacher’s name.

 ?? ?? Pupils take part in Let Glasgow Sing 2016, an event for the city’s school choirs
Pupils take part in Let Glasgow Sing 2016, an event for the city’s school choirs

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