The Daily Telegraph

Girls’ school failed to alert police over sex assault claim

- By Louisa Clarence-smith

A LEADING independen­t girls’ school put pupils at risk by failing to alert police and the local authority about allegation­s made against a member of staff, an investigat­ion has found.

Parents of children at Streatham & Clapham High School for Girls in south London were told yesterday that the independen­t schools’ watchdog has criticised the school for safeguardi­ng failings.

A report by the Independen­t Schools Inspectora­te (ISI), seen by The Daily Telegraph, states that procedures for handling allegation­s against staff “have not always been followed correctly”.

A source close to parents at the school, where senior fees cost almost £20,000 a year, alleged that the watchdog’s findings relate to an accusation of sexual assault against a former staff member by an individual who is not connected to the school.

The source said the school knew of the allegation but did not alert the local authority and the staff member has now moved on to work at another school.

A spokesman for the school said: “The matter raised in the ISI report did not directly involve any children. In the time since this occurred, we have had a comprehens­ive review of safeguardi­ng assessment and reporting procedures and have carried out a number of actions including a thorough safeguardi­ng audit by an independen­t expert.

“The school takes the well-being of children and the entire school community extremely seriously.”

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