The Daily Telegraph



We are authorised to announce that the marriage of his Royal Highness the Duke of York with the Lady Elizabeth Bowes-lyon will take place at Westminste­r Abbey on Thursday, April 26. . The choice of Westminste­r Abbey for the celebratio­n of the marriage of the Duke of York with Lady Elizabeth Boweslyon follows the precedent set in the marriage of Princess Mary with Viscount Lascelles in February, 1922. In the past, great as has been the part taken by the Abbey in national life and history, it had not witnessed for many centuries until the date of Princess Mary’s marriage the espousals of the son or daughter of the reigning monarch. In the Abbey, our Kings have been crowned, and there lies the dust of many of their number; but their marriages have taken place elsewhere. No son of the English Monarch has been married there since April, 1270 – more than six and a half centuries ago – when Edmund, Earl of Lancaster – known as Edmund Crouchback – second son of Henry III., was espoused within its walls to the Lady Aveline de Fortibus, daughter and heiress of William, Earl of Albemarle.

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