The Daily Telegraph

‘Goofy’ Bezos is the life of party, says fiancee

Once media shy Amazon billionair­e poses in photo shoot with partner who has lit him up ‘like a sparkler’

- By Susie Coen US CORRESPOND­ENT in New York

‘He’s just extremely enthusiast­ic and extremely funny. He can be really goofy. I mean, you’ve heard him laugh, right?’

JEFF BEZOS is “goofy”, “extremely funny” and “the life of the party”, Lauren Sanchez, his fiancée, has said in a Vogue interview.

The Amazon billionair­e and world’s third-richest man has been lit up “like a sparkler” by his relationsh­ip with the broadcast journalist, to whom he proposed in May, friends have said.

Ms Sanchez gave an intimate interview accompanie­d by pictures of the once media-shy Bezos, 59, wearing a cowboy hat with his girlfriend’s arms draped around him in the front seat of a pick-up truck on his West Texas estate.

The father of four proposed to Ms Sanchez with an enormous pink-diamond ring hidden under her pillow on his $500 million (£407 million) megayacht Koru.

Ms Sanchez said she almost “blacked out” when he opened the box and said she was “100 per cent” going to take his name.

The couple confirmed their relationsh­ip in 2019 after Mr Bezos announced his divorce from Mackenzie Scott, his wife of 25 years.

Miss Scott, with whom Mr Bezos has four children, was awarded $38 billion in their divorce settlement.

The Amazon founder was described as “the life of the party” by Ms Sanchez, 53. “He’s just extremely enthusiast­ic and extremely funny. He can be really goofy. I mean, you’ve heard him laugh, right?", she said, referencin­g Mr Bezos’s eccentric chuckle.

Barry Diller, whose wife, Diane Von Furstenber­g, is one of Ms Sanchez’s best friends, said that Ms Sanchez is a “sparkler in Jeff ’s life”.

Mr Diller, who is hosting a second engagement party for the couple at his home in Beverly Hills, said: “They’re very in love with each other – they’re demonstrab­ly in love.”

He added: “She’s lit him up in the nicest ways. She’s a great stimulant.”

The level of affection the couple have for one another is reflected in Ms Sanchez revealing that she and Mr Bezos tell each other: “Love you to space and back.”

Praising Ms Sanchez, Mr Bezos, who according to Forbes is worth $167.8 billion (£136.7 billion), described his future wife as having “almost witchy powers” when it comes to her intuition.

Mr Bezos said that while he had helped her become “vulnerable and soft”, his future wife “really helped me put more energy into my relationsh­ips”. “She’s always encouragin­g me: ‘Call your kids. Call your dad. Call your mom.’ And she’s also just a very good role model,” he said.

The couple “know how to modern family”, Ms Sanchez’s sister said.

They spend Thanksgivi­ng at the West Texas residence with their children and Ms Sanchez’s ex-partner, the former NFL player Tony Gonzalez – who is father to her eldest child, Nikko, 22 – and his wife, October, also known as Tobie.

Ms Sanchez was photograph­ed for Vogue by Annie Leibovitz in glamorous outfits in the photoshoot at the estate. In one picture she is seen lying in the “10,000-Year Clock” in a red, sequinned Dolce & Gabbana dress.

The clock, which is built inside a mountain on Mr Bezos’s property, is programmed to chime every one, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 years.

Ms Sanchez said that it “represents thinking about the future”.

Ms Sanchez, who was born in Albuquerqu­e, New Mexico, to a mechanic father and a civil servant mother, said that the couple’s lives are “pretty normal” and revolve around their children.

She said that they try to journal in the mornings and avoid looking at their phones straight after they wake up.

While they work out together, they have to do different routines because Mr Bezos is a “monster in the gym”.

Ms Sanchez said that her secret to ageing gracefully is “MEDS” – meditation, exercise, diet and sleep – and suncream.

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 ?? ?? Jeff Bezos and his fiancee Lauren Sanchez pose in a pickup truck on his West Texas ranch, and below, in the 10,000-Year Clock on his estate
Jeff Bezos and his fiancee Lauren Sanchez pose in a pickup truck on his West Texas ranch, and below, in the 10,000-Year Clock on his estate

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