The Daily Telegraph

Baby at centre of legal battle dies after life support ended

- By Jamie Bullen

INDI GREGORY, the eight-month-old baby at the centre of a legal battle between her parents and the NHS, has died after her life support was withdrawn, her family said.

Indi was critically ill with an incurable genetic mitochondr­ial condition and staff at the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham said they could do no more for her.

She was transferre­d from the hospital to a hospice on Saturday after the Court of Appeal dismissed a legal challenge on Friday from her parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, who wanted to take their daughter home before her life support was withdrawn.

In a statement released through Christian Concern, which supported the parents in their legal efforts, Mr Gregory said his daughter’s life ended at 1.45am yesterday in her mother’s arms.

He said: “Claire and I are angry, heartbroke­n and ashamed. The NHS and the courts not only took away her chance to live a longer life, but they also took away Indi’s dignity to pass away in the family home where she belonged.

“They did succeed in taking Indi’s body and dignity, but they can never take her soul. They tried to get rid of Indi without anybody knowing but we made sure she would be remembered forever. I knew she was special from the day she was born ... Claire held her for her final breaths.”

Last week, lawyers representi­ng Mr Gregory and Ms Staniforth asked a High Court judge to allow Indi to be transferre­d to a hospital in Rome for emergency specialist treatment but Mr Justice Peel denied the request. Allowing medics to withdraw life support, the judge said the medical evidence was “unanimous and clear”. Doctors had argued any further treatment was futile and would prolong Indi’s suffering.

Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s prime minister, said in a social media post: “We did everything we could, everything possible. Unfortunat­ely it wasn’t enough. Have a safe trip little Indi.”

Indi, who was born on Feb 24, was receiving round-the-clock treatment for her condition, which prevents cells in the body producing energy.

A spokespers­on for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the QMC, said: “We are all deeply saddened by the death of Indi and wish to express our heartfelt condolence­s to her family at this terribly difficult time.”

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