The Daily Telegraph

‘Tragic’ house fire kills five members of same family

- By Jamie Bullen

FIVE members of the same family have been killed in a house fire in west London, the Metropolit­an Police believe.

About 70 firefighte­rs were called to the fire at a house in Channel Close, Hounslow, west London, just before 10.30pm on Sunday and tackled the blaze for three hours before it was brought under control.

London Fire Brigade said the five victims were found dead on the first floor of the home, which was destroyed by flames along with the ground floor.

A sixth person remains unaccounte­d for, while one man left the property before emergency crews arrived and was later taken to hospital with non-life-threatenin­g injuries.

The Metropolit­an Police said the five victims are believed to be members of the same family.

The cause of the fire is now under investigat­ion.

Andy Roe, the London fire commission­er, said: “This is a terribly sad incident and the thoughts of all of us at London Fire Brigade are with the family, friends and all those affected at this difficult time.

“Staff will be in the local community today to offer support and advice where needed.

“The welfare of our staff is very important and all those involved will be offered support from our counsellin­g and trauma service.”

Nearby homes were evacuated during the blaze, which was brought under control by 1.25am yesterday.

Dileep Singh, 54, told the Evening Standard that he raced from Manchester to Channel Close, where his brotherin-law was at home with his wife, three children and two adult guests.

He said: “I received a call and came as soon as I could with my wife.

“We are desperate for informatio­n. My brother-in-law is alive but I don’t know what has happened to everyone else. We are desperate.

“I was told the fire came from outside from a bin.

“We are going to the hospital to try to get more informatio­n.”

Ch Supt Sean Wilson, responsibl­e for policing in Hounslow, said: “My thoughts are with the loved ones of those who very sadly lost their lives in this tragic incident.

“I don’t underestim­ate the impact that this will have on the wider community and beyond.”

 ?? ?? Aroen Kishen and his wife Seema were killed in the fire in Hounslow, which broke out at 10.30pm on Sunday. About 70 firefighte­rs spent three hours tackling the blaze
Aroen Kishen and his wife Seema were killed in the fire in Hounslow, which broke out at 10.30pm on Sunday. About 70 firefighte­rs spent three hours tackling the blaze

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