The Daily Telegraph

Heat pump noise


Sir – The noise made by heat pumps (report, November 13) cannot be ignored because it is constant and all-pervasive. Unlike convention­al boilers, a heat pump relies on a fast-turning fan to operate effectivel­y. While the rules may require the noise to be limited in laboratory tests, such tests – like those for cars – are notorious for providing optimum data in laboratory conditions, but turn out to be inaccurate in the real world.

Air-source heat pumps must be outside, are exposed to weather and age quickly. The fan runs smoothly until its bearings get contaminat­ed. Time and lack of maintenanc­e will mean that heat pumps will only get noisier as they age. We should not be subsidisin­g prototype technology that we know will cause problems in the future. Far better to wait for the technology to mature so that the harmful effects are avoided.

Dr Michael A Fopp

Soulbury, Buckingham­shire

Sir – The report by leading acousticia­ns that says heat pumps are too noisy for millions of British homes should act as a wake-up call to the Government and climate activists (report, November 13). There is a real danger that, if the Government listens to the siren voices in the climate movement and insists on the installati­on of heat pumps, millions of people will be forced to live with unacceptab­le levels of noise.

The worst hit will be those living in flats, houses of multiple occupation and terraced homes. Instead of setting a target for the installati­on of heat pumps, the Government should introduce a moratorium on them until the noise issues are resolved.

John Stewart

Chairman, UK Noise Associatio­n London SW9

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