The Daily Telegraph

Harnessing David Cameron’s political experience is a shrewd move by a PM with few alternativ­es


Sir – Rishi Sunak has recognised the dearth of suitably seasoned candidates for Cabinet roles. Appointing David Cameron Foreign Secretary and harnessing his experience and maturity – things sadly missing in recent Tory administra­tions – is a shrewd move.

Cameron Morice

Reading , Berkshire

Sir – It’s time for the grown-ups.

Keith Hutchence

Moreton, Oxfordshir­e

Sir – So David Cameron, who threw in the towel the moment he lost the Brexit referendum, is now the new Foreign Secretary. How tone-deaf can this woeful Government be?

Judith Goulden

London NW3

Sir – We now have a Foreign Secretary who is not an elected MP, given the job by an unelected Prime Minister who arrived in his post by succeeding a failed, unelected predecesso­r whom he failed to defeat in a leadership race.

To add insult to injury, the latest Foreign Secretary is none other than the PM who led the country into 13 years of austerity, nearly broke the Union with an independen­ce referendum and then repeated the exercise with another referendum that ended in Brexit.

Would someone please explain where the British voting public come in?

Tom Moore

Newcastle upon Tyne

Sir – For two years I have told anyone willing to listen that the Government needs David Cameron back in a front-line role. I therefore cried tears of joy at the news that he has agreed to serve in this senior position.

As Foreign Secretary and an experience­d and successful former prime minister – who was consistent­ly more popular than the party he led

– he will be able to speak with authority on behalf of the Government and hugely improve its poor media communicat­ions.

This Cabinet reshuffle is a political risk worth taking and one that may come to be seen as a turning point in the Conservati­ves’ political fortunes.

Philip Duly

Haslemere, Surrey

Sir – The appointmen­t of David Cameron as Foreign Secretary reminds me of the scene in Back to the Future when Marty Mcfly first seeks out Professor Emmett Brown in 1955 and tells him he is from 1985. Scepticall­y, Brown demands: “Tell me, future boy, who is President of the United States in 1985?” On being informed that it is Ronald Reagan, he repeats the name with open ridicule and asks: “Then who’s vice-president, Jerry Lewis?”

I wish I had a flux capacitor.

Clive Godber

Hull, East Yorkshire

Sir – Now that Suella Braverman has been sacked, could she and Nigel Farage form a partnershi­p? A centrerigh­t party to challenge the old system might be what the country needs. Veronica Timperley

London W1

Sir – First Dominic Raab, now Suella Braverman. Two of the few sensible ministers who have a feel for how the majority are reacting to current events in this shambolic country.

I have voted Conservati­ve all my life but Rishi Sunak is in danger of losing yet another supporter.

Alan Skennerton

Bracknell, Berkshire

Sir – The grey blob strikes again. Harry Gorst

Torquay, Devon

Sir – Now we have confirmati­on that Labour decides who will be ministers in Rishi Sunak’s Government.

Mike Edwards

Alveston, Gloucester­shire

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