The Daily Telegraph

Ukraine claims to have pushed invaders back from Dnipro

- By James Kilner

UKRAINE says it has pushed Russian forces up to five miles (8km) from the Dnipro river, after establishi­ng bridgehead­s on its eastern bank.

If confirmed, the strategic advance would be one of the most significan­t in recent months after little gains by either side in the war in Ukraine.

Kyiv says its forces are now battling for control of three Russian-occupied villages south of the river. A win there would not only be an important military breakthrou­gh but also offer an important morale-boost ahead of winter.

However, Ukrainian officials said its soldiers still had “a lot of work to do” to establish their positions and warned that the bridgehead was fragile.

“Preliminar­y figures vary from three to eight kilometres, depending on the specifics, geography and landscape design of the left bank,” army spokeswoma­n Natalia Gumenyuk told Ukrainian television of the territory that its soldiers claimed to have captured.

The Kremlin corroborat­ed Kyiv’s claims, saying that Ukrainian marines had crossed the Dnipro roughly 20 miles upstream from Kherson City, but said its artillery was pounding the area.

Wargonzo, a pro-war Russian military Telegram blog with 1.1 million subscriber­s, said fighting was focused on the villages of Poima, Peschanivk­a and Krynki.

“The Russian armed forces are trying to retake the Ukrainian bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnipro,” the channel reported.

Seizing the villages would be an important front-line win for Ukraine as it tries to turn round its largely disappoint­ing counter-offensive and convince western backers their money has not been wasted.

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