The Daily Telegraph

Twitter loses government ads

- By James Titcomb

THE Government has stopped advertisin­g on Twitter in a fresh blow for Elon Musk’s social network as it faces an exodus of major brands.

Department­s have stopped paying for adverts on Twitter, now known as X, in recent months, The Daily Telegraph understand­s.

The decision was taken before the company was plunged into an antisemiti­sm row last week that has seen advertiser­s including Apple, Disney and the European Commission pull adverts.

A source said the decision was a commercial one, related to the effectiven­ess of advertisin­g spending on Twitter, rather than a response to Mr Musk’s recent comments, which last week led to a reprieve from the White House.

While unrelated to the anti-semitism row, the Government’s decision to stop advertisin­g on the platform will compound Mr Musk’s problems as he struggles to reverse slumping ad revenues.

Whitehall department­s spent £5.4m on Twitter adverts in 2022, according to a Freedom of Informatio­n request.

It spent most heavily during the first few months of last year, for the vaccine booster programme, but continued to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds a month on Twitter ads into December, after Mr Musk bought the company.

A source said a decision to stop adverts was taken several months ago.

However, government accounts continue to advertise heavily on Facebook and Instagram, according to Meta’s advertisin­g library, promoting issues such as tax-free childcare and rights for social housing tenants, spending £20.5m last year. Twitter/x did not respond to a request for comment.

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