The Daily Telegraph

Juror’s verdict: Trump is ‘fascinatin­g’

Seven of the panel selected so far include woman who relies on Tiktok for news and fan of The Apprentice

- By Benedict Smith Us reporter

‘He walks into a room and he sets people off one way or another. I find that really interestin­g’

DONALD TRUMP is “fascinatin­g and mysterious” one of the jurors selected for his hush money trial in New York said, while another gets all her news from Tiktok.

Seven of the 12 jury members have been selected so far in Mr Trump’s criminal trial, in which the former president is accused of faking business records to conceal payments made to an adult film star.

Dozens of potential jurors ruled themselves out on the first day of selection after raising concerns about their ability to be impartial, while others were struck off the Trump legal team. A grandfathe­r originally from Puerto Rico, selected to serve on the jury, told the court he thought Mr Trump was “fascinatin­g and mysterious”.

“He walks into a room and he sets people off one way or another,” he said. “I find that really interestin­g. Really, this one guy can do all of this. Wow, that’s what I think.”

Todd Blanche, acting for the defence, seemed at a loss for words at the descriptio­n of his client. “Alright,” he said eventually. “Thank you.”

Another juror said she got her news from Tiktok and Google – and was one of the few to signal she did not know Mr Trump faced other criminal cases. The hush money case is the first of his four indictment­s to make it to court.

“I don’t like the news or newspapers,” she said, adding that she listens to podcasts on “inspiratio­nal things” and pop culture. She has little time for current affairs and tries to avoid politics, although her friends have strong opinions on the former president, she said.

A young corporate lawyer who was also selected said he was embarrasse­d to admit that he was “not super familiar with the other charges” and did not follow the news closely.

He said he had been a big fan of The

Apprentice while at school. Mr Trump smiled at the mention of his reality TV show, while other people in the court laughed.

As for Mr Trump’s time in office, he answered: “Some things I agreed with, some things I disagreed with.”

Before being questioned in court, jurors had to answer a list of 42 questions to determine their suitabilit­y for serving on the jury.

A number of them concerned the former president, including whether they followed him on social media, attended any political rallies, volunteere­d for his campaign, worked for him, or read any of his books.

They were also asked whether they belonged to any “extremist organisati­ons” – such as the Right-wing Proud Boys or Left-wing Antifa groups.

One prospectiv­e juror insisted that he could remain impartial despite writing of the former president on social media: “Lock him up”.

Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over the case, dismissed him, noting that Mr Trump could face prison if found guilty.

A woman was grilled by Mr Trump’s legal team over what they labelled “extraordin­arily hostile Facebook posts”. She had apparently filmed celebratio­ns in New York following his election loss in 2020.

At one point, Justice Merchan intervened to reprimand Mr Trump, 77, for gesturing and muttering as the juror answered the questions while standing just feet away from him. “He was audible, gesturing and speaking in the direction of the juror,” the judge said.

“I won’t tolerate that,” he told Mr Blanche. “I will not have any jurors intimidate­d in this courtroom.”

He refused to strike the woman off the jury but Mr Trump’s legal team used a peremptory challenge to dismiss her. It has four challenges remaining as jury selection continues.

Some potential jurors seemed ready to give their honest opinion of Mr Trump as they were questioned by his legal team. “He stirs the pot, he speaks his mind, you can’t judge him because he speaks his mind,” one said.

Pressed by Mr Blanche, she added: “He speaks his mind, come on, what can you say about that?

“If I told you all the time what I thought about people – I want to say some things to people, but my momma said, be nice.”

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