The Daily Telegraph

Inside Track Temi Fagbenle

London Lions centre talks winning the Eurocup, the boom in women’s basketball and showing passion over referees’ calls

- Passionate, nurturing, humorous.

How did you celebrate the London Lions’ historic Eurocup win last week?

We spent a lot of time in the locker room after the game [they beat Besiktas 81-70 to become the first British basketball team – male or female – to win a European title]. We had a great time and everyone who wanted to talk had a chance to speak up.

We had a laugh with each other and there were a couple of jokes. We threw Stella [Kaltsidou, the head coach] in the ice bath fully clothed and we shaved our strength and conditioni­ng coach’s beard – that was a bet he made with somebody. There were different shenanigan­s and then we had a great call of “Go Lions!”

We then went to a bar for a few drinks but it wasn’t a late one – it was midweek so things close early. I’m getting old, too, so I realised I’m not up for staying up late!

What do you think the win can do for women’s basketball in Britain?

It’s not just that one win; the whole season has been quite historic for us. It’s been amazing to see the effect on the whole of the British basketball community and especially the youth, to see the joy and excitement on their faces when they come to games. To see that love and support is totally amazing. It wasn’t like this when I first started basketball.

Women’s basketball is booming in the United States right now…

Yes. We’re living in a globalised world now and everything is at the tip of our fingers on social media, so everybody can see it. The rise of women’s basketball and women’s sport in general is having an effect throughout the world. It’s what people want right now.

How do you feel about the funding issues that mean London Lions are unlikely to be able to defend their European title next season?

It’s bitterswee­t at the end of the day. I’m so thankful that we’ve done this for British basketball and in my home town of London. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. A lot of things are up in the air now. I don’t know who is staying given the funding situation. Playing in Europe is something I want to do, so I won’t be returning as it stands, although I’ve made no concrete decisions about where I’m playing next season.

What is the one rule you would like to change in your sport?

It would maybe have to do with referees and not being able to express “too much passion” when a call doesn’t go your way.

Describe yourself in three words. Who is the one person you would like to meet, dead or alive?

My thoughts are going towards civil rights leaders in America, African civil rights leaders… I would love to meet Nelson Mandela for sure, to talk about his journey and his life. I’d love to pick his brains.

If I was to pick a sportspers­on… I love tennis so it would probably be Roger Federer. He was just at the top of the game for so long and elite in so many ways on and off the court.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

The ability to put love into anyone’s heart. That would solve all the problems! If people put love first it would be so good.

What is your worst habit?

Procrastin­ation. I have a lot on my mind and a lot to do. Getting things done has always been hard for me, even through school. I’ll wait to the last minute and then get everything done, but it’s not good for my health at all.

If you could switch lives with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?

I wouldn’t want to be anywhere or anyone else other than where I am right now.

What is your most prized possession?

I don’t value possession­s, so nothing comes to mind. I value experience­s and time with loved ones.

What song gets you on the dancefloor?

Anything Afrobeats. I’m into South African music right now and amapiano. South Africans are the best dancers in the world.

What is your dream three-course meal?

Now we’re talking! I love Chinese and Vietnamese food, so for starter I’d have a hot and sour soup. My main would be something Nigerian because I love Nigerian mains. I love the dish efo riro [a spinach stew] and I’d have that with pounded yam, iyan. I don’t do dairy so dessert would be some non-dairy ice cream with apple pie.

If you could go on any reality TV show what would it be?

The Cube. I’m competitiv­e and I think I’d be good at a lot of the challenges.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

I like to go back to “This too shall pass”. Everything in this life is fleeting, transient, and things change all the time, so whether I’m feeling down or elated, it’s having the knowledge that this too shall pass. It makes me feel more gratitude. Anything I’m going through, whether a good or bad thing, I know it will pass so I stay in the moment and feel it.

What has been your favourite holiday?

When I was growing up, our family would always go to a caravan site for the Easter holidays. We would have such a great time, all fitting in our caravan in the small beds and having family dinners around the small table. It was a great bonding experience.

What is your biggest non-sporting achievemen­t?

That’s a good question as my life has been wrapped up in sport for so long. Being able to provide for my family monetarily and emotionall­y, and being there in person when I can. I’ve not had so much of a chance to do that because I’ve been away from them so often but helping them gives me joy.

What is the best book you have ever read?

The one that comes to mind is Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It talks about logotherap­y and the kind of outlook you should have on the world in order to get through hard times. I loved it.

 ?? ?? All heart: Temi Fagbenle would like to gift love
All heart: Temi Fagbenle would like to gift love
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