The Edinburgh Reporter

Letter from Scotland

- By John Knox

JOHN writes a weekly column for The Edinburgh Reporter online and here he gives us his February view.

What has happened to the art of conversati­on? Do we do it these days? Or do we just study our smart phones, or sit in front of the TV, or exchange banter at the bar? And do they do it in business, or the arts or politics or internatio­nal relations? Or do they just exchange abusive tweets?

These are the questions the Royal Society of Edinburgh are asking in its “Year of Conversa- tion 2019”. It begins with a day of conversati­on on Saturday 16th February. A long list of experts from the worlds of literature, the media, theatre and mental health will be leading discussion­s on topics such as: conversati­on in a digital world, children and their conversati­on, non-verbal communicat­ion, what we can and cannot talk about.

The Royal Society has been about conversati­on since it sprang from the coffee houses of the Enlightenm­ent in 1783. Scientists, medics and writers would gather to debate the issues of the day, present learned papers and generally encourage each other to explore the world around them. So it’s not surprising that it should turn to the art of conversati­on, particular­ly now it says.

“At a time when mutual understand­ing appears threatened, when communitie­s are becoming closed off, we want to demonstrat­e the power of conversati­on to reinforce Scotland’s position as a place where people are engaged with each other and with the world.”

And conversati­on is an art which needs practice. It’s got to mean more than exchanging facts, or even views, about the weather or football. And it’s got to be more than who can crack the best jokes or tell the best story. A conversati­on may include these entertainm­ents but it should go on to explore an issue or the personalit­ies its participan­ts. And it has to be a shared experience, so everyone round the table takes a turn and gets something from it.

So I think the Royal Society is right to start this conversati­on about conversati­on. It may make the world a better place and life a little happier.

 ??  ?? "The Conversati­on" by Louis Moeller (1855-1930)
"The Conversati­on" by Louis Moeller (1855-1930)

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