The Edinburgh Reporter

Charity run



Across Scotland there are thousands of people currently living without a home – whether that’s in hostels or B&Bs, sofa-surfing with friends and family or living on our streets.

That’s not something we, as a society, should accept as the norm.

Homelessne­ss is not inevitable - and we can all do our part to end homelessne­ss for good.

At Crisis Scotland we provide direct support to people affected by homelessne­ss, we campaign, and we fundraise so that we will one day be part of the change that helped end homelessne­ss for good across Great Britain.

But to do that, we need your help. In March, we will host the first ever Race to End Homelessne­ss, a 5km or 10km walk or run around Edinburgh city centre to raise vital funds to help lift people out of homelessne­ss through one-to-one support, in areas such as housing and employment.

Those that take part will take on the scenic route around the city, starting in Holyrood Park, heading around the foot of Arthur’s Seat, before climbing up Calton Hill and then heading back in to the city and ending at The Glasshouse, the prestigiou­s hotel which has partnered with us for this event.

It’s just £20 to register, with a fundraisin­g target of £50. Whether you’re a keen walker or runner, or if you simply fancy taking on a new challenge, why not sign up and help Crisis in its mission to end homelessne­ss.

Yours sincerely,

Grant Campbell

Director of Crisis Scotland

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