The Edinburgh Reporter

Stocktakin­g time

- Jeremy Balfour MSP

COUNCIL ELECTIONS are coming up next year and in the run up to such elections it is time to take stock of what we want in a local government. We have to look over the preceding period and evaluate if we are happy with the incumbent administra­tion and decide whether or not we can trust them with our vote for another four years.

As proud residents of Edinburgh, we have to ask ourselves a very important question. Are we pleased with SNP led administra­tion’s stewardshi­p of our city?

Are we satisfied that they are the best option to lead us?

Are we happy with a social housing system that the charity Shelter called “Broken and Biased” and in which the average wait time for social housing in

Edinburgh for a single person.

Are we happy to live in a city with the kind chaos on the roads that we are seeing as a result of the crazy “Spaces for People” initiative? Traffic, diversions, and less access to parking for people who are less mobile in the city centre.

I would argue that we as proud citizens of Edinburgh deserve better than this and it is time to decide whether we want to remain with the same tired and failing administra­tion or look to something better.

We have tried SNP way; I would argue it is time to try the Conservati­ve way. The Edinburgh Conservati­ves stand ready to provide a fresh and effective alternativ­e at the upcoming election.

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