The English Garden

Dawn digs deep with the help of TURMERIC+

As every keen gardener knows, kneeling down is part and parcel of the job, so it’s essential to be able to comfortabl­y bend your knees.


Being an enthusiast­ic horticultu­rist, it’s only fitting that Dawn Schier unearthed the power of the plant world when looking for ways to keep her active so she could continue to enjoy her hobby.

“My interest in gardening was inherited from my father,” recounted Dawn.

“My dad had an allotment and it was there that I inherited his passion for growing fruit and vegetables. For our family, it became part of an everyday healthy lifestyle that we all enjoyed.”

Dawn began to have trouble continuing to garden when she noticed her knees were not as flexible as they used to be, so she decided to do something about it. It was this decision that led her to Turmeric+ from FutureYou Cambridge.

The spice turmeric has long been popular in traditiona­l Indian medicine and is recognised as one of nature’s superfoods.

The key active component of turmeric is curcumin. However curcumin is not easily absorbed by the body.

The need for easy absorption is what led the scientists at FutureYou Cambridge to create Turmeric+ using the patented ‘Curcuma Phospholip­id Complex’ formulatio­n. It’s thirty times more absorbable than standard turmeric and contains vitamins C and D which contribute to normal function of cartilage and normal muscle function.*

Dawn continues, “Although I eat a healthy diet and take plenty of exercise, I was finding even walking around the block caused discomfort. I decided I needed to find something else to provide a helping hand so I started taking Turmeric+.”

“I was amazed. In just a few weeks, I felt like I used to. It was the only change I made to my lifestyle, so there was no other explanatio­n for the dramatic difference.”

Dawn is now able to fully enjoy her lifelong hobby to its full potential again, growing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Whilst she reaps the benefits of all she grows, her favourite is asparagus. Dawn said, “I specialise­d in growing asparagus some while ago and the other allotment holders have nicknamed me the ‘Asparagus Queen’”.

“I was amazed. In just a few weeks, I felt like I used to.”

“I love working on my allotment, it provides a good social life, but most importantl­y it’s where I feel completely relaxed and can enjoy some time to myself.”

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