The English Garden

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FutureYou Cambridge are renowned for developing the highest quality health supplement­s backed by leading scientific research. The Cambridge-based company, who actively work with highly-regarded scientific and nutritiona­l experts, is offering you the opportunit­y to try its bestsellin­g joint supplement, Turmeric+, for free, for 28 days.*

Turmeric+ contains the most scientific­ally documented bioavailab­le curcumin formulatio­n in existence, having been the focus of 45 human studies involving over 2,000 subjects. It has also been officially recognised and certified by Informed-Sport.

The patented curcuma phospholip­id complex formulatio­n features a unique phytosome delivery system to significan­tly increase curcumin bioavailab­ility; an advanced natural alternativ­e to black pepper. Pharmacoki­netics studies show it enhances curcumin absorption by 30 times.

The vegan-friendly formula contains the full bouquet of curcuminoi­ds including high levels of demethoxyc­urcumin (DMC), the most powerful curcuminoi­d. It has also been combined with vitamin C which contribute­s to normal collagen formation for the normal function of cartilage.

‘We want to support more people to become or stay active. We think Turmeric+ can play an important role in that journey. ‘We offer people their first pack of Turmeric+ for free so they can experience the high quality, patented curcumin formulatio­n for themselves. Most will know if it’s working for them within four to eight weeks – and if they like it, they will stick with it.’ says Adam Cleevely, FutureYou Cambridge’s Chair.

‘I’ve been genuinely amazed by the effect of Turmeric+. It’s transforma­tive. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll be taking it for the rest of my life.’ said James, 54, from London.

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