The Football League Paper

Nervous Tisdale is confident of safety

- By Matt Bamsey To comment on this match go to

PAUL Tisdale is bracing himself for a nerve-shredding end to the season after Exeter’s league status was left hanging in the balance after a draw with Cheltenham.

Exeter took the lead after defender Jordan Moore-Taylor fired his first goal for the club on 12 minutes.

But Exeter’s jinx continued after Cheltenham striker Byron Harrison scored his 15th goal of the season to put his side within touching distance of safety themselves.

The Grecians have never beaten Cheltenham and yesterday’s draw was the first time they had taken a single point in the ten meetings between the sides.

And, while Exeter sit just two points above the drop zone, manager Tisdale is confident his side will get over the finishing line – just.

He said:“I am pleased with how we played and it was a fair result.

“It is a nerve-wracking time for us all and there is a lot at stake with every pass, every tackle and every decision you make.

“I thought the players applied themselves really well and it was a point gained.

“If we carry on playing like that, we will give ourselves a good chance of staying in this league.

“We just need to hold our nerve and approach the last four games in a positive frame of mind.”

Exeter got off to a bright start and their early pressure was rewarded with the opener. Craig Woodman supplied the cross and Moore-Taylor popped up in the six-yard box to stab into the bottom corner.

The goal stirred Cheltenham from their slumber and Harrison snatched an equaliser after poking the ball past Christy Pym after Jermaine McGlashin ran at the Exeter defence.

Cheltenham had credible penalty claims turned down after the break when Woodman got the wrong side of McGlashan and bundled into the back of the winger.

Jamie Cureton’s attempted lob sailed over the bar before substitute Sam Deering fluffed his lines in front of goal in stoppage time.

He should have cashed in after Pym gave the ball away cheaply but instead could only plant a weak shot straight at him.

The draw puts Cheltenham on 52 points – six points clear of secondbott­om Northampto­n. But boss Mark Yates refuses to accept his side are safe.

He said:“There are a lot of teams below us, but we are not going to take it for granted.We need more points and to take care of our own business.

“But I bet the teams who are in the bottom two now wish they had 52 points. I am pleased with a point although it could have been all three.”

IN Exeter

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