The Football League Paper

Team mates


Best mate at the club? I’ve got to be diplomatic here and say that I get along well with everyone. However, I’ve known Colin Daniel longer than anyone else and I’ve been travelling with Dany N’Guessan a lot recently. He’s a good travel companion and we always have a few laughs on the train. Last to buy dinner? Everyone would say that it’s me, but that’s a lie. Michael O’Connor always gives me a bit of stick about it but I don’t think it’s really deserved. The FIFA king? Byron Moore likes a game and is pretty good. I think the last time I played was four years ago, though. A lot of the boys here don’t play much FIFA. Worst dressed? Tom Pope by a long way. He’s got this one pair of trainers that I swear he’ll never change. He’s just such a casual person that he doesn’t care about his appearance or put the effort in. The dressing room DJ? I’ve been trying to get in there but Chris Lines has kept squeezing me out. He’s got the power because he’s been here longer. His music taste is quite diverse and he has a good mix for match days. I try to get on a few crowd pleasers from RnB to pop and even a bit of U2 and Frank Sinatra, as I like to listen to everything. The most skilful? Alex Nimely has got two nice feet, but there is a kid called Omar Haughton in the youth team who is not scared of showing off his abilities when he comes across to train with us. Late for training? Byron Moore is the worst culprit. We’ve got a fining system here and the boys just came back from their Christmas trip to Dublin, so for the month before it meant you were just getting fined for anything. Teacher’s pet? Louis Dodds. I don’t even have to think about that one for a second. Anything he does, Rob Page is shouting, ‘Come on, Doddsy’ or ‘Well done, Doddsy’. So it’s definitely a love that goes both ways. Best cook? I have to say myself, but I’m always inviting the team round and they’ve never taken me up on the offer. Tom Pope says he can’t even cook beans on toast, so I’m certainly never going round to his for dinner. First on the dance floor? The boys are quite lively here, so I can’t think of a specific person that would always be first. Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party? Definitely Ryan McGivern. When he gets a few drinks in him he starts slurring his words and keeps asking the lads if they’re alright. The worst tattoo? Louis Dodds has got a tattoo of a flower on his upper thigh but I don’t know why. Once he reads The Football League Paper, then maybe he’ll tell us. Never puts their phone down? Chris Lines has always got his phone out, but Michael Brown is probably the worst. He’s getting on a bit, so he’s doing some business deals and investing his money in various things and trying to tell you to do the same. Going to make the best manager? I can see Michael Brown and Richard Duffy having the right skills to do well. Quite a few of the boys are doing their badges.

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 ??  ?? Michael O’Connor
Michael O’Connor
 ??  ?? Ryan McGivern
Ryan McGivern
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