The Football League Paper

Team mates

- Dean Lewington Milton Keynes Dons defender

Best mate at club? Dave Martin. I’ve known him since we were 13 playing in the youth teams and we’ve always got on well. He moved away for a while but we kept in contact, so since he’s been back it’s nice to have someone from your youth around. Last to buy dinner? Tom Flanagan always somehow disappears when it’s time to pay. Danny Green is another one who shies away if he can. The FIFA king? I don’t play it myself but I believe Dele Alli is one of the better players and George Baldock is up there. It tends to be the young guys living away from home who play a lot, but we’ve got a young squad so there is a bit of competitio­n. Worst dressed? Dave Martin, because when he was younger he weighed more than he does now but his clothes haven’t changed, so they’re always a bit baggy and dated. Dressing room DJ? This year it’s Samir Carruthers but I don’t know why because his music is terrible, though the young guys like it. I think he’s the only one with the code for the speaker system! I don’t even know what it is – I would go for more rock or indie but there’s not many who like it, so I get out-voted. The most skilful? Dele Alli can look a bit awkward because he’s so tall but he’s very skilful and does it out on the pitch as well. He says he’s up to about 25 nutmegs this season. He tries it on in training but that can cost him when it doesn’t go down too well with some of the older players. Dele has his little scores that he keeps. Late for training? Antony Kay, though to be fair he does come in from up north by train so he depends on them running on time, which isn’t often. He does manage to just sneak in, but we have a fines system and he’s paying quite a bit towards team nights out. Teacher’s pet? Dele Alli, without a doubt. He was a young lad coming through when the gaffer joined and now he’s the teacher’s pet for obvious reasons because he’s one of the best players at the club. Worst cook? Kyle McFadzean can’t even do toast! Some of the guys have had to cook for him because he’s a bit of a caveman. Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party? Tom Flanagan is a liability. We’ve got a good group here so it’s usually a decent night out, but Tom will always get himself into some sort of trouble or on an adventure. He struggles with his beer so gets a bit dizzy. The worst tattoo? Dave Martin has got two solid black dragons on his back. Actually they are more like lionscum-dragons similar to the Peugeot

crest. Never puts their phone down? Daniel Powell likes his phone. He’s just had a baby so is often on FaceTime with his family. Going to make the best manager? Darren Potter really studies the game and has got his UEFA B licence. He’ll make a good manager – he’s a bit quiet so he might need an aggressive number two but I think he’d be quite creative.

 ??  ?? Dele Alli
Dele Alli
 ??  ?? Samir Carruthers
Samir Carruthers
 ??  ??

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