The Football League Paper

Burnett’s boys mark new deal with win

- By Francis Kelly

DAGENHAM manager Wayne Burnett celebrated his new two-year contract with a wellearned win over Accrington Stanley.

Burnett put pen to paper this week on a deal that will keep him at the club until the summer of 2017.

His players were clearly happy with the news as Matt Partridge gave them an early lead before Jamie Cureton, Frankie Raymond and Jodi Jones goals secured the points.

And first team coach Darren Currie paid tribute to his boss: “What people from the inside see is the hard work Wayne puts in.

“This year we’ve had to dig deep when our backs have been against the wall. Thankfully we all came through it and found a system.

“I’m extremely pleased with how we played today.We played some nice stuff again.We started very brightly and moved the ball nicely [but we were missing] that little bit of cutting edge in the final third.

“Eventually it came with a great ball in from Frank and a great header by Matt, and I think that settled everyone and took us on to the next level.”

The victory was the Daggers’ fifth win in ten games and the outcome never looked in doubt when Partridge scored the opener on 20 minutes. Raymond sent a fizzing corner in and Partridge rose highest, heading in from six yards out.

Any concern this con- test between two midtable sides might be a leisurely affair were soon corrected inside three minutes of the start when Jones tested Accrington goalkeeper Scott Davies.

While the game suffered a dip in tempo as the first half came to a close, after the lively Dagenham forward Ade Yusuff limped off injured, the hosts came out rejuvenate­d following half-time.

They required just 71 seconds to double the lead, Cureton latching on to a Raymond pass and dinking past the onrushing Davies.

Raymond then capped off a fine performanc­e when he stepped up and curled a free kick into the bottom righthand corner, prior to Jones giving the home fans one final cheer as he slammed in from close range. Accrington manager John Coleman reflected on the defeat: “You’ve got to take your hat off to Dagenham who were miles better than us.

“We were second to every ball, we didn’t pass it the way we can, we defended atrociousl­y and we got what we deserved.

“We came up against a team full of confidence and the goals we conceded came at important times derailed us.

“To concede from the first ball into our box is disappoint­ing. Dagenham didn’t have to do much in the first half to lead.

“I thank the fans for coming.”

ND Dag&

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