The Football League Paper

team mates

- Mark Ellis - Carlisle United defender

Best mate at the club? That’s a difficult one, I’m not sure who I’d go for! There are a few of the lads who I get on really well with to be fair, but I’d say Charlie Wyke. We often share rooms when we have away games. He loves messing about, getting me in a headlock – he’s a big strong lad, he likes a good mess around. He’s a big kid really! But he’s a good lad. Last to buy dinner? If you asked the majority of the lads, they’d probably say me! I just take my time, I don’t give anything until I am asked for it. There could be a few more though – I’d probably say Luke Joyce is another one – he likes a cheap meal and he loves a happy hour. Worst dressed? I’d go for Reggie Lambe. Some of the shoes he comes in with – the lads have got on his back a couple of times about it for some of the shoes he wears. Sometimes you think ‘wow, what are they, where have you got those from?’ Dressing room DJ? We have Mark Gillespie the goalkeeper as DJ. He’s the one who puts the different collection­s together so the lads are happy with it. He puts everything on – there are a few different varieties of songs on too, the lads are happy with that so we can’t hammer him too much. Teacher’s pet? I wouldn’t say there’s anyone who’s like ‘yes boss, yes boss’, but I’d say Nicky Adams – the lads get on to him that he’s the gaffer’s son and things like that. They wind him up on Twitter quite a lot, there was one recently where someone took a photo of him getting the gaffer a cup of tea – if you have a look on my profile I’ve retweeted that one! First on the dance floor? I’d go for Michael Raynes or Sean Brisley, but probably Michael. Michael likes to think he’s got moves – he’s a big strong centre-half who fancies himself a bit as a dancer. He tends to get going with the tunes as well before warm ups and games. Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party? I didn’t go this year, so I couldn’t tell you about this year’s one. There are a few stories, but I probably wouldn’t repeat them! I couldn’t give too much away. But maybe Charlie Wyke again, he is a bit of a livewire and messes around quite a bit. Worst tattoo? Nicky Adams has a few, but they’re not bad to be fair, but I’m not a tattoo man so I would not have any. I can’t really think of too many others. Again, I think Charlie Wyke has one, but I think in a place where we can’t really say. It’s not appropriat­e! Partial to a sunbed? I’d say Mike Jones – I think he fancies a good sunbed. It’s been mentioned a couple of times – the lads have said, ‘have you been on a sunbed Mike?’ I’m not sure if he’s ever admitted to it or not. Going to make the best manager? I’d say the best manager would be captain Danny Grainger. He’s the skipper and he makes himself heard on and off the pitch. He’s always on to the lads to do things right.

 ??  ?? Charlie Wyke
Charlie Wyke
 ??  ?? Mike Jones
Mike Jones
 ??  ??

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