The Football League Paper

team mates

Ben Richards-Everton - Accrington Stanley defender


Best mate That’s a hard question to answer because we all get on as a team. There aren’t any cliques or certain individual­s that I get on with in particular. As a team, I get on with all of the boys. But I’m probably close to Janoi Donacien because I live with him. We travel in together every day and we’re with each other most of the time. We are all a tight-knit group, though, which is why we’re doing so well, I think. Last to buy dinner? I’d say Charlie Rowan, who’s come to us on loan from Watford. For someone that’s come from a Premiershi­p club, he’s very, very tight. Worst dressed? I was going to say the skipper, Seamus Conneely, but I think it has to go to Mark Hughes. He just comes in wearing the baggiest tracksuits I’ve ever seen. He’s always the first to knock somebody’s gear, but his own is horrendous. His tracksuits would fit me and I’m twice his height. Dressing room DJ? Sean McConville usually does it. He mixes his music up a lot, playing a bit of R’n’B or a bit of dance music, but sometimes our assistant manager, Jimmy Bell, comes in and puts his music on, which isn’t the best. I really don’t know what kind of music it is. They are really oldschool slow tunes that don’t get you up for matches. Always late for training? Aaron Chapman, the goalkeeper. He moans about the traffic in the morning, but we just tell him to set off earlier. He comes from Yorkshire and he drives in with a few of the other lads that live there, but he’s been fined a few times now for being late. Teacher’s pet? Seamus, the skipper. Out of all the lads, he’ll be the one that says ‘yes’ to the thing that people don’t really want to do.Whether it’s running or whatever, he’ll say: ‘oh yeah – we’ll do that’. First on the dancefloor? I don’t actually know, but I’d probably say Billy Kee. He likes to enjoy himself and have a good time. Most likely to disgrace himself at the Christmas party? We didn’t actually have a Christmas party this year, but I’d probably say Billy Kee, again. He’s a great guy. FIFA king? That’s me. None of the lads can touch me, to be honest, especially in the house as well. Worst tattoo Harvey Rodgers, who we signed from Fleetwood in January – he’s got terrible tattoos. I think he’s got: ‘I love house music’ on him, on his chest under his nipple. I don’t know why he’s got that or where he got it done, but that’s the worst one. Best manager in the future? I would probably say Sean McConville. He injured himself a couple of weeks ago and he was on the sideline at Coventry. He was getting really involved, telling players what to do. He likes to see himself as a bit of a coach. Maybe, when he does retire, it’ll be something that he wants to do, and he’ll probably be good at it as well.

 ??  ?? Donacien
 ??  ?? McConville
 ??  ??

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