The Football League Paper


- By Will Thompson

EFL chief executive Shaun Harvey admits communicat­ion has been poor between the league and Blackpool after a meeting with concerned fans was announced this week.

Blackpool’s accounts, released on Wednesday, show a loss of £2.2m in the season they were promoted back to League One in 201617, up from £1.7m the previous year, meaning the club is currently losing £42,000 every week.

This has led to frustratio­n and confusion from Seasiders’ fans and Harvey acknowledg­es communicat­ion with fans has to improve in order to progress.

“There are clearly a number of issues to be discussed in relation to the club’s difficult and complex situation, and we will endeavour to provide answers to the questions raised where we can,” said Harvey.

“The EFL will continue to act in good faith towards supporters of the club and, while this may not currently be the view shared across all sections of Blackpool’s fanbase, we will be happy to meet with the various parties to discuss their concerns.”

An EFL spokesman explained the meeting will give the fans a chance to express their concerns to league representa­tives.

The statement read: “Attendees will be given the opportunit­y to raise their concerns, and EFL officials will endeavour to provide answers wherever possible and explain its position on a number of matters that have previously been raised in the public domain.”

Announceme­nt of the meeting follows strong criticism of the EFL by fans, who have created a petition urging the Government to make changes to the way football is run.

Blackpool Supporters’ Trust, who raised the petition last week, wants an independen­t regulator for English football to ensure the highest standards.

 ??  ?? ISSUES: Shaun Harvey
ISSUES: Shaun Harvey

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