The Football League Paper

team mates


Otis Khan Mansfield Town winger Best mate at the club?

I’ve got two, really – CJ Hamilton and Mal Benning. I get on really well with them both. If I had to say one, though, I’d go with Mal. I spend the most time with him. He’s a funny guy. I room with CJ on away trips and sit next to Mal in the changing rooms. I don’t think they’re going to get jealous with me picking one over the other, though!

Last to buy dinner?

That would have to be Mal, again. From what I’ve heard, he’s really tight with his money. Very tight indeed. I’d go out for a drink with him but I’d have to accept that I’ll be paying my way.

The Fifa king?

We don’t play FIFA – everyone’s playing Fortnite at the moment. I’m terrible at the game but I know CJ Hamilton’s quite good. We always play on away trips.

Worst dressed?

There’s quite a few, really! I’d say Danny Rose. From what I’ve seen of him, he never wears his own clothes in, so they must be that bad that he wears the training kit. He’s the only footballer I know to always come in in his training kit and not in his own gear, so I’m assuming it’s bad. He does get a lot of stick from the boys. I think he’s featured in every single question and answer for worst dressed, so it’s par for the course.

The pre-match dressing room DJ?

That’s Alex MacDonald. He’s got a fair good mix. Before the game, he’s always putting his phone on and he’s got some good songs. He plays all the new stuff, really – all the rap songs and the UK stuff. It keeps everyone happy; I haven’t seen any complaints yet.

Late for training?

Jacob Mellis. He’s got every excuse under the sun – his dog’s died or he’s been in a crash. He’s just moved to Mansfield, so I don’t get why he’s late! He gets fined a lot but doesn’t really pay them. I think the majority of money for the Christmas party was from him.

Teacher’s pet?

We’ve got quite a few, actually. I’d go with Alex MacDonald – he’s always chatting with the gaffer (David Flitcroft) before and after training. No comments from the boss on his music, though!

First on the dancefloor?

I’d say Krystian Pearce, the captain. After games, when we win, we put this one song on and he’s always the first to get up and do his own dance! He’s got some good moves for an older man! I think the song’s called Candy Dancer or something.

Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party?

I think I’ll have to go with Ryan Sweeney. When I’ve been out with him before and from what I’ve heard, he’s a big character on a night out.

The worst tattoo?

I think I’d go with the new signing on that – Willem Tomlinson. He’s got a cross on his hip that I think he got when he was 16 or 17. He accepts all the stick, though, to be honest.

Going to make the best manager?

I’d say Craig Davies. He’s got a wealth of knowledge and experience. He helps me a lot with my game and helps a lot of people in the team.

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Mal Benning
 ??  ?? Krystian Pearce
Krystian Pearce
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