The Gazette

Hobson’s choice on Beeb


THE cost of a TV licence today (£154.50) is a disgrace, so much so that I thought I’d pop into an electrical store to see if I could purchase a TV that doesn’t include BBC channels.

Needless to say, I was flogging a dead horse. The member of staff told me that the law states that all TVs must include BBC channels.

I replied by saying ‘yes, but I never ever watch BBC programmes nor do I watch them online.’

She replied by saying ‘sorry, but the law is the law.’

Fair enough but, in this day and age, isn’t it about time the consumer was given a choice when buying a TV?

Why do television­s have to include BBC channels? Why is this format a necessity? Why isn’t there an option? Greed?

I don’t watch BBC programmes but I still have to pay the extortiona­te licence fee. Hobson’s choice? You bet!


David Cameron left ‘suffering every day’

HOW strange it is that former PMs come along with their memoirs expecting to gain some kudos, usually by knocking their colleagues. Former Tory Prime Minister David Cameron is the latest in line to write about his time in office.

He says he has failed the people on the EU referendum and gets depressed every day thinking about it.

Asked if it is clinical depression he suffers with, he replied he’s not taking medication.

Sadly others are in a lot worse position than the failed former PM, and he’s in a much better place than many to cushion himself against a disastrous exit from the EU.


A bitterness that divides the country

IN reply to Jackie Elder’s letter (EU will take our troops – The Gazette 13.09.19).

I suggest she takes into account that Britain does not at present have complete sovereignt­y of our forces as we are part of NATO.

This happened at the end of the Second World War.

Our connection with Europe had its beginning with our joining the European Economic Community to provide the economic underpinni­ng for NATO.

The difference­s of opinion have not been eliminated by the 2016 referendum.

The fact is that it has not settled the issue – this frustrates the leavers. The result is that we now have bitterness dividing people and not rational debate.

When the general election comes, much depends on how well the Liberal Democrats do, because they are determined to remain in the EU. I am NOT defecting from Labour to the Liberal Democrats.

GEOFF BULMER, Billingham

People should be represente­d

I AGREE with every sentence voiced in The Gazette (14.09.19) from Norman Coad, Norman Hornby, Ian Neil and Richard Finch. All singing from the same songsheet. That’s if you believe in the democratic process.

Our MPs assume too much they are the servants of the people, who lead – or not in this case – because of our vote.

It is my view that we have to support Boris before demonstrat­ions turn violent and people are hurt or worse.

Hang your heads in shame, Remoaners.



Six defeats on the bounce

IF Boris Johnson was a football manager he would be sacked after six defeats on the bounce, in the House of Commons.

Boris has scored a home goal by removing the Conservati­ve whip to 21 Tory MPs.

The Tories across the Tees Valley have shown poor judgement for voting for Boris as the PM, and I include the Conservati­ve MP for Middlesbro­ugh South East Cleveland, Simon Clarke. KEVIN NICHOLAS,

Ingleby Barwick

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