The Gazette

Heat will be just a memory


SO, the railways are cancelling trains and schools are closing – all because we are having some warm days. Why the panic? Even in 1911 they had hot summers of 36c [98F] but today we must be able to cope with air conditioni­ng and electric fans. In 1911 there was no panic.

What we have today is that warm days play in to the climate change agenda and help to keep us in a permanent state of terror. If we are in a state of terror we can be more easily controlled and we will ignore the high inflation that is caused by our government printing money, and low wage rises combined with the highest taxes in years.

So I, like many people, will think about air condoning and electric fans but such thoughts will – like previous years – get forgotten about when autumn arrives with its cooler days.

Inflation will still be here but not the wage rises.



Boris went out in cinematic style

BORIS Johnson made his farewell speech to a packed House of Commons. Few PMs have been hounded out of office in quite the same manner as he has. His time as PM finished with more twists and turns than the Isle of Man TT. True to form Boris went out in style – action man style with a line lifted straight from the Terminator movie franchise. “Hasta la vista, baby’,’ which translates “see you later’.’

This was an apparent reference to Arnold Schwarzene­gger’s cinematic catchphras­e, also famous for the line “I’ll be back’.’ But will Boris be back? Maybe only in a re-run of goofy political clips.

Meanwhile we are down to a field of two in the race to be the next terrible Prime Minister.

Who will take the crown – the Iron Lady or The Iron Laddie?

Liz Truss who models herself on Margaret Thatcher proves without a shadow of a doubt robots can take over mankind.

Then there’s Rishi Sunak, the man who actually did ‘terminate’ Boris. From Terminator to determinat­or – as Chancellor he hiked taxes to record-busting levels while it can be argued his family avoided paying their fair share. Some may say “Come back Boris all is forgiven’.’

Boris the man even admits the work he has achieved for the country meant “mission largely accomplish­ed – for now’,’ leading to the speculatio­n, if properly reprogramm­ed, he could make a return in the near future.

To lend a line from the first Terminator movie: “The future has not been written. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves’.’


Let’s help our airport take off

FURTHER to the recent letters re the airport and its struggles, I would hope that they are mindful of the problems at Heathrow, and are hotly chasing up the likes of Emirates to tell airlines we have a local airport, wholly suitable for taking the largest of aircraft with good connection­s to all parts of The UK.


 ?? ?? By the river in Fulham,
June 1911
By the river in Fulham, June 1911

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