The Gazette

Window’s smashed in ‘targeted’ attack



A MUMOFFIVE says she is “imagining hearing bangs all the time” after a vandal smashed her windows overnight.

Lyndsey Chester, who lives on Lanehouse Road in Thornaby, was left in shock at the weekend after coming downstairs to find the windows of her home had been shattered in what she believes is a “targeted” attack.

The 46-year-old thinks her home was damaged because she is vocal about anti-social behaviour in her area. CCTV captured a hooded figure approachin­g the window before the before it is broken.

Lyndsey said: “It was early Saturday

morning, my son came upstairs at about 12.30am and he said: ‘Can you come downstairs mam?’ I went down and he said somebody had put the windows through. I had a camera – I put up a camera because I had them smashed last year.

“I picked it up on my camera – the lad walked in the gate and he would stand at the gate as if he was looking at the door and checking what number the house is. Then he goes to the window and smashes the side window and then smashes the front window.

“It was just unbelievab­le that he literally just walked into the front path up to the window calm as anything and just did it.”

Lyndsey, who has lived on the road for 10 years, described it as a “nice street” despite having its fair share of anti-social behaviour over time. She lives with her four sons – aged 10, 15, 17, and 25 – and added that it is “heartbreak­ing” to see her youngest scared over these incidents.

She explained: “My littl’un when he got up, I had to say to him he can’t go downstairs yet because there was glass everywhere. I said that the windows had been put in and he said to me: ‘Why do we get targeted mam?’

“And it was heartbreak­ing for a 10-year-old kid. When he walks down the street and he sees any of them he says: ‘Are these the bad lads?’ and he gets scared.”

Lyndsey said her window was also broken in January last year on two occasions in a short space of time.

She said: “You wake up and you are imagining hearing bangs all the time, thinking it is the windows going through. [I feel safe] most of the time but I’m going to bed sometimes and wondering if they are going to come back.”

Lyndsey believes the reason her home has been attacked is due to her publicly reporting crime in the area. She said: “I have got numerous messages and comments and whatnot on social media where people are calling me names because I report all the anti-social behaviour and drug dealing in the area.

“I have my own Thornaby community group on Facebook and I share stories.”

She now wants Cleveland Police to investigat­e the issue over fears it keeps happening – and has criticised the police over them not attending her home and simply calling her the following morning.

Lyndsey continued: “I rang the landlord the next day. I am having to pay for the windows myself – it cost £150 for the boarding up and I think it is going to cost another £400 for the windows to be replaced.”

A Cleveland Police spokespers­on said: “It was determined that there was no immediate risk or threat of harm and suspects were no longer on scene, therefore a call was scheduled to make contact with the victim.

“Officers called the victim the next morning at 9:39am and have carried out enquiries regarding CCTV.”

 ?? ?? One of the broken windows at Lyndsey’s home
One of the broken windows at Lyndsey’s home

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