The Great Outdoors (UK)

North-West Highlands Maoile Lunndaidh



Achnashell­ach Forest car park at Craig

GR: NH039493

Cross rail line and take track, which runs E then S for around 5km to reach wire bridge over Allt a’ Chonais.

Continue SW on stalkers’ path to Bealach Bhearnais.

When path fades, turn E to head up west ridge of Sgurr Choinnich.

From summit, drop E to col and then up again to Sgurr a’ Chaorachai­n.

Head N down Sron na Frianich ridge, dropping to north of lochan, aiming for two smaller lochans at Drochaid Mhuilich.

Climb NE at first, turning E to Carn nam Fiaclan, then continue round to N to Maoile Lunndaidh.

Descend NW parallel with line of Fuar-tholl Mor to pick up path further down, which leads to ruin, then head W past Glenuaig Lodge to join incoming track.

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